Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Congregational churches — Maritime Provinces.
Congregational Union of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
A declaration of the faith, church-order and discipline of the Congregationalists : as set forth by the Congregational Union of Nova-Scotia and New-Brunswick, at a meeting held in St. John, N.B., October 9th, 1846 Saint John, N.B. : 1846. 8 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 M69d - Akins
Congregational churches — Maritime Provinces.
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Judgment delivered on the 14th December, 1852, by His Honor the master of the rolls in the cause of James Melvin, complainant, and Freeman Tupper and others, trustees under the will of James Goreham, late of Liverpool, N.S., deceased, defendants Nova Scotia : 1852. 16 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK KM49 - Akins
Melvin, James, fl. 1852
Tupper, Freeman.
Congregational churches — Maritime Provinces
Inheritance and succession — Nova Scotia — Law and legislation.
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Nova Scotia Archives —
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