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Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 1 to 14 of 14 from your search: Community development — Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Community development — Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Department of Economic Development and Tourism

A guide to developing a community economic development strategy / Nova Scotia Economic Development and Tourism.  Halifax : The Dept., 1998. 45 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.515 #24 - Vertical File

A socio-economic study and recommendation : Sunnyville, Lincolnville, and Upper Big Tracadie Guysborough County, Nova Scotia / by Institute of Public Affairs Dalhousie University.  Halifax : The Institute, 1965. iii, 23 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.194 #32 - Vertical File

MacIntyre, Gertrude Anne

Active partners : education and local development / Gertrude Anne MacIntyre.  Sydney : University of College of Cape Breton Press, 1995. x, 197 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LC67.58 C3 M32 1995

An Evaluation of citizen participation in the neighbourhood improvement program in Halifax and Dartmouth / prepared by the Environmental Planning III class at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, December 1979.  Halifax : The College, 1979 or 1980. ii, 77 pages : maps; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.330 #9 - Vertical File

Scott, Gilbert H.

Cultural pluralism, multiculturalism and community development / Gilbert H. Scott, Multiculturalism Directorate, Dept. of Secretary of State.  Halifax: Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia, 1987. 16 pages : illustrations; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.349 #6 - Vertical File

Current work / Design Division, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.  Halifax : The College, 1973-1977. 3 no. : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LEN47 C976

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia : living with change : a community social profile / Dorothy E. Moore.  Dartmouth : Dalhousie University, 1984. ii, 149 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 D226 D226 - Open Shelf

Directory of community economic development groups in Nova Scotia Halifax : Nova Scotia Department of Small Business, 1988. 203 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HN49 C6 D57 1988

Prepared by the Community Development Issue Group of the Nova Scotia Use Policy Committee.

Nova Scotia. Land Use Policy Committee. Community Development Issue Group
Nova Scotia. Dept. of Small Business Development.

Community development — Nova Scotia

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Technical University of Nova Scotia. Dept. of Urban and Rural Planning

Lockeport, Nova Scotia : community initiatives towards a sustainable strategy / prepared by the Department of Urban and Rural Planning.  Halifax : Resource Centre Publications, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Nova Scotia, 1990. 53 pages : illustrations, maps ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HC118 L814 T255

Project team: Co-ordinators, Frank Palermo, Dimitri Procos ; assistants, Kristian Nichols, Arthur MacDonald ; contributors, Nelli Agingu ... [et al.]

Community development — Nova Scotia — Lockeport
Lockeport (N.S.) — Economic conditions.

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White, Gerard I.

Modernization and the small fishing community : a case study in Cape Breton County / Gerard I. White.  1976-1977. iv, 101 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche W585 - Open Shelf

Ivany, Ray

Now or never : an urgent call to action for Nova Scotians : the report of the Nova Scotia Commission on Building Our New Economy : February 2014 / Nova Scotia Commission on Building Our New Economy.  Halifax : Nova Scotia Commission on Building Our New Economy, 2014. 243 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HC117 N8 N687 2014

Ivany Report. The Nova Scotia Commission on Building Our New Economy is an independent body mandated to engage all Nova Scotians in a discussion about how we want to shape our economic future. A province-building project is not dependent on government policies or the state of the world economy. It is about us, our courage, our imagination & our determination to do better. We can do it ourselves. If Nova Scotia's economy were performing well today in providing jobs, sustaining communities and supporting high quality public services, the wise advice would be to stay the course and avoid major changes. But this is not our situation, nor does the future outlook promise relief. The economic and population challenges we now face in Nova Scotia, and dramatically so in our rural regions, demand new vision, innovative approaches, greater collaboration and a greater willingness to take on the risks associated with economic change and progress. Change in society begins with the leaders. Being respectful of one another, expressing trust in our institutions and in our fellow leaders in different fields, and avoiding parochial and unduly partisan considerations, are crucial starting points. We can also do better at planning and decision-making on our investments of money, time and expertise in pursuit of economic growth. For those who are prepared to reshape their actions to serve the interests of the entire province -- not just their firm, their institution or their community -- this is the time to come together to build a vision for a better future, and to work together to achieve it. We have the assets and opportunities. We have to decide what to do with them. We need to commit to transformation, because we can, and must, do better. Includes bibliographical and web references.

Economic forecasting — Nova Scotia
Economic development — Nova Scotia
Natural resources — Nova Scotia
Human capital — Nova Scotia
Labor supply — Nova Scotia
Population forecasting — Nova Scotia
Community development — Nova Scotia
Regional planning — Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia — Economic conditions
Nova Scotia — Economic policy
Nova Scotia — Population — Forecasting

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Perspectives on communities : a community economic development roundtable / Gertrude Anne MacIntyre, editor.  Sydney : UCCB Press, 1998. 277 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HC117 N8 P47 1998

Pinecrest-Highland Park Newsletter / Pinecrest-Highfield Park Neighbourhood Plan.  Halifax : Griffiths Muecks Associates, 1990-.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HN49 C6 P649

Herzog, Allen

The NewStart experiment : prospects for the future / by Allen Herzog in consultation with the staff of Nova Scotia NewStart Inc.  Yarmouth : Nova Scotia NewStart Inc., 1970. 117 pages : illustrations ; 28cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HN110 N935 H582


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