Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Church and state
United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Fredericton. Bishop (1845-1868 : Medley)
Address of the Lord Bishop of Fredericton : at a meeting of clergy and lay delegates convened by the unanimous desire of the clergy present at the late visitation of this diocese and held at St. John, July 5th, 1866 / John Fredericton. Fredericton N.B. : 1866-. 8 pages : 14 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.256 #9 - Vertical File
Caption title. Signed: John Fredericton.
Bishops — New Brunswick — Fredericton
Church and state
Councils and synods (Canon law)
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Church and state / by Sir Alex. T. Galt. Montreal : Dawson, 1876. 41 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F80 G13 - Akins
'Qui tacet consentire videtur. Canon Law, 43rd Rule.'
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Mr. Mackenzie King and his anti-Catholic alliances 1927. 12 pages : 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.223 #11 - Vertical File
Catholic Church in Canada
Church and state in Canada
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Providence in reference to nations : a lecture delivered before the Halifax Young Men's Christian Association, April 6th, 1858 / by P.G. McGregor. Halifax : J. Barnes, 1858. 31 pages ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 M17 - Akins
Church and state
India — History — British occupation, 1765-1947.
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Reformers of the nineteenth century : a lecture delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association, of Halifax, Nova Scotia on Tuesday evening, Jan. 29, 1867 / by G.M. Grant. Halifax : J. Bowes, 1867. 32 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.89 # 26! - Vertical File
Reformers — Great Britain
Religious thought — 19th century
Religious poetry, English — 19th century
Church and state — Great Britain.
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Ten letters on the church and church establishments : addressed to the Hon. W. H. Draper / by an Anglo-Canadian i.e. Adam Townley. Toronto : Printed at the Commercial Herald Office, 1839. 79 pages : 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.24 # 6 - Vertical File
Draper, William Henry, 1801-1877.
Established churches — Ontario — History — Sources
Church and state — Canada — History — Sources
Canada — Church history — Sources.
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The religious warfare in Nova Scotia 1855-1860 : its political aspect : the Honourable Joseph Howe's part in it and the attitude of Catholics / by Nicholas Meagher. Halifax : 1927. 193 pages : port. ; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F100 M46
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To the people of Nova Scotia Halifax : 1857. 9 pages ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F100 H83p - Akins
Signed and dated at end: Joseph Howe, Halifax, 2nd March, 1857.
Church and state — Catholic Church
Nova Scotia — Politics and government — 1784-1867.
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Une Dialectique du pouvoir en Acadie : Eglise et autorité / sous la direction de Gérald C. Boudreau. Ville St. Laurent, Canada : Fides, 1991. 239 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX1422 N68 D53 1991
Proceedings of the Congrès du centenaire de l'Université Sainte-Anne, held at Pointe-de-l'Eglise, N.E. on Oct. 18-20, 1990.
Université Sainte-Anne. Congrès du centenaire (1990 : Church Point, Digby, N.S.)
Church and state — Nova Scotia — History — Congresses
Acadia — Church history — Congresses
Nova Scotia — Church history — Congresses.
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