Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Christianity — Philosophy.
A treatise on the first principles of Christianity, in which all difficulties stated by ancient and modern sceptics, are dispassionately discussed / Edmund Burke. Halifax, N.S. : Printed by John Howe and Son, 1808. 292 pages ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 B91 - Akins
Letter of introduction signed: E.B. V.G., Que. [i.e. Edmund Burke, later Bishop of Sion--Bibliography of Canadiana / Toronto Public Library (no. 821]. Includes some text in Greek and Latin. References: Akins; Gagnon II 271; TPL 821. Follow
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Continuation of the first principles of Christianity / E. B. Halifax Nova Scotia : Printed by John Howe & Son, 1810. [4], 449, [3] pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BRC76
Attributed to Edmund Burke, later Bishop of Sion--Bibliography of Canadiana / Toronto Public Library (no. 821. Includes some text in Greek and Latin. Errata: pages [452]. Signed: E.B. V.G.Q. References: Dennis; Gagnon II 273; Lande S534; TPL 821. Sequel to: A treatise on the first principles of Christianity, in which all difficulties stated by ancient and modern sceptics, are dispassionately discussed.
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Mysticism and other essays / by J.P.D. Llwyd. Toronto : Macmillan, 1926. vii, 108 pages ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BV5080 L794
Christianity — Philosophy
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The man for the age : a lecture, delivered before the Halifax Young Men's Christian Association, on Tuesday evening, December 20, 1859 / by Thomas Crisp. Halifax : Wesleyan Conference Steam Press, 1859. 25 pages ; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 C86 - Akins
Bound with Y.M.C.A. pamphlets.
Men (Christian theology)
Christianity — Philosophy.
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