Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Cattle — Nova Scotia
Catalogue of thorough-bred short-horn, Ayrshire and Devon bulls, cows and heifers, Cotswold & Southdown rams, large white Yorkshire sows, of the celebrated Ellesmere strain, and Berkshire boars : imported from England per R.M.S. Hibernian : all to be of Halifax, N.S. : 1876. 8 pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK SFC28 - Akins
By direction of the Central Board of Agriculture of Nova Scotia, under authority of the provincial government and legislature.
Exhibitions — Nova Scotia — Truro
Cattle — Nova Scotia — Catalogs and collections
Swine — Nova Scotia — Catalogs and collections.
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Fall feeder sale, Truro, N.S Truro : Department of Agriculture and Marketing, Farm Management Division, 197--1990-. 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SF192 N935 F194
Description based on: 1974. Some issues have title: Fall feeder sales, Truro, N.S.
Nova Scotia. Farm Management Division.
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Task Force on the Nova Scotia Beef Industry
Minister's Task Force on the Nova Scotia Beef Industry : final report, June 10, 1997 Halifax : The Task Force, 1997. 33, 14 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.496 #35 - Vertical File
Beef industry — Nova Scotia
Cattle trade — Nova Scotia
Beef industry — Government policy — Nova Scotia.
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Practical talk to farmers an address / by B.W. Chipman. Halifax : Government of Nova Scotia, 1896. 16 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 05818 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Farming in Nova Scotia; the following is a report of an address delivered by Mr. B.W. Chipman, Secretary for Agriculture, at a meeting of the Nova Scotia Farmers' Association held at Mabou, Inverness County, on the 30th of June, 1896.
Nova Scotia Farmer's Association. Meeting 1896 : Mabou, N.-É.
Dairy farming
Dairy cattle
Agriculture — Nova Scotia
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Nova Scotia Archives —
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