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Results 1 to 6 of 6 from your search: Candow, James E

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Candow, James E

Candow, James E.

Conversion the New England Planters in Nova Scotia, 1759-1848 Ottawa : Environment Canada, Parks Service, 1987. illustrations, map ; 11 x 15 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche C220 - Open Shelf

How deep is the ocean? : historical essays on Canada's Atlantic fishery / edited by James E. Candow and Carol Corbin.  Sydney : University College of Cape Breton Press, 1997. xvii, 287 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH223 H847

Industry and society in Nova Scotia : an illustrated history / James E. Candow, editor.  Halifax : Fernwood Publishing, 2001. 218 pages : illustrations, ports. ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HC117 N8 I53 2001

Candow, James E.

Industries — Nova Scotia — History.

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Candow, James E.

Of men and seals: a history of the Newfoundland seal hunt Ottawa : Environment Canada, 1989. 239 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH362 C35 1988

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Candow, James E.

The North Atlantic fisheries dispute of 1886-1888 and its perception by the New-York times and the New-York tribune / by James E. Candow.  1977 1978. 173 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche C219 - Open Shelf

Candow, James E.

They done alright a history of the Mudge family fishery at Broom Point, Newfoundland, 1941-1975 / by James E. Candow.  Ottawa : Environment Canada, Parks Service, 1990.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche C218 - Open Shelf

Issued also in print format.

Canadian Parks Service.

Fisheries — Newfoundland — Broom Point — History
Broom Point Nfld. — History.

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