Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Canada. Travel Bureau
Facts on Canada Ottawa : Queen's printer. 48 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5011 C16 F11 - Open Shelf
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Fort Anne National Historic Park, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada Ottawa : Edmond Cloutier, King's Printer, 1951. 7 pages : illus.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.148 #3b - Vertical File
Canada. Dept. of Resources and Development
Canadian Government Travel Bureau.
Fort Anne National Historic Park (N.S.) — Description
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Fort Chambly National Historic Park, Chambly, Province of Quebec, Canada Ottawa : Edmond Cloutier, Queen's Printer, 1954. 6 pages : illus.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.258 #3 - Vertical File
Cover title. "Req. 11207."
Canada. Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources
Canadian Government Travel Bureau.
National Historic Park Fort Chambly (Quebec)
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Playgrounds of Eastern Canada : Cape Breton Highlands, Fundy, Prince Edward Island, St. Lawrence Islands, Georgian Bay Islands, Point Pelee National Parks, and the National Historic Parks in Eastern Canada Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1955. 28 pages : illustrations; 2? cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.321 #27 - Vertical File
Canada. Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources
Canadian Government Travel Bureau.
National parks and reserves — Maritime Provinces
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Playgrounds of Eastern Canada : Cape Breton Highlands, Fundy, Prince Edward Island, St. Lawrence Islands, Georgian Bay Islands, Point Pelee National Parks, and the National Historic Parks in Eastern Canada Ottawa : Dept. of Resources and Development, 1952. 28 pages : illustrations; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.258 #4 - Vertical File
Canada. Dept. of Resources and Development
Canadian Government Travel Bureau.
National parks and reserves — Nova Scotia
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Canada. Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources
The Trans-Canada Highway Ottawa : Canadian Government Travel Bureau, 1959. 11 pages : 1 map; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.197 #20 - Vertical File
Issued under the authority of the Minister of Northern Affairs and National Resources. Cover title. "39-464-EL/59."
Canadian Government Travel Bureau.
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