Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 101 to 125 of 149 from your search: Canada. Department of Mines. Mines Branch

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Canada. Department of Mines. Mines Branch

One hundred and one solar energy projects / prepared by Applied Science Associates for the Department of Mines and Energy, Province of Nova Scotia, and for the Department of Regional Economic Expansion, Government of Canada.  Halifax : Department of Mines and Energy, Province of Nova Scotia, 1981. iii, 177 pages : illustrations ; 22 x 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TH7414 O53

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Owls Head Halifax County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 4. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1979. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 O9 C36 1979 - Map

Edition 4 (1979 and second edition (1954 in holdings.

Halifax (N.S. : County) — Maps, Topographic.

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Oxford Nova Scotia 11 E/12 / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1967. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 80 cm. or smaller

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 O94 C36 1944 - Map

Provisional mapages 1st edition (1944 : Map 808A Oxford (11 E/12 West, and Map 813A Wentworth (11 E/12 East. 1967 edition on 1 sheet.

Cumberland (N.S. : County) — Maps, Topographic
Colchester (N.S. : County) — Maps, Topographic.

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Parrsboro Cumberland and Kings counties / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1945. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 P37 C36 1945 - Map

1945 east (map 822A) titled Five Islands. West map: 818A.

Cumberland (N.S. : County) — Maps, Topographic
Kings (N.S. : County)

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Pictou Island Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1953. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm. or smaller

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 P53 C36 1953 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Pleasant Bay Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1956. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 78 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 P57 C36 1956 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Port Elgin Westmorland County, New Brunswick / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1955. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3432 P67 C36 1955 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Port Hastings Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1976. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 P65 C36 1976 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Port Hawkesbury Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1976. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 P66 C36 1976 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Port Hawkesbury Nova Scotia 11 F/11 / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  2nd ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1953. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 P6 C36 1953 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Port Hood Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1952. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 39 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 P7 C36 1952 E - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Port Mouton Queens County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1955. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 P74 C36 1955 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Porters Lake Halifax County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1972. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 P67 C36 1972 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Pubnico Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1954. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 81 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 P77 C36 1954 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Pugwash Cumberland County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1944. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 P8 C36 1944 - Map

Provisional Map 812 A : Pugwash. Provisional Map 802 A : Shinimikas. 1966 ed on 1 sheet.

Cumberland (N.S. : County) — Maps, Topographic.

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Reserve Mines Cape Breton County / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1975. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 R47 C36 1975 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Saint John New Brunswick / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  4th ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1958. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3432 S35 C36 1958 W - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Sambro Halifax County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1972. 1 map : col. ; 55 x 73 cm and 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 S36 C36 1972 - Map


Sambro Halifax Municipality - Halifax County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources.  Ed. 4. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1979. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 S2 C36 1979 - Map

Edition 3 (1973 and Edition 4 (1979 in holdings.

Halifax (N.S. : County) — Maps, Topographic.

Canada. Department of Mines. Mines Branch

Sections of the Sydney coal fields Cape Breton, Nova Scotia 1913.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.23 #9 - Vertical File

  search Internet Archive
please note : not all titles are available on the Internet Archive

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Shad Bay Halifax County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1971. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 S53 C36 1971 - Map

Canada. Dept. of Mines and Technical Services

Shelburne Nova Scotia / Department of Mines and Technical Services.  1st ed. Ottawa : Army Survey Establishment, 1957. 1 map : col. ; 45 cm x 65 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3420 C36 s250 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Shelburne Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1955. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 S45 C36 1955 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Shubenacadie Nova Scotia 11 E/3 / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 3. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1953. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 S5 C36 1953 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Souris / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1952. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 77 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3427 S6 C36 1952 - Map

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