Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 51 to 75 of 147 from your search: Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Glace Bay Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1975. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 G53 C36 1975 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Glace Bay Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1924. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 78 cm. or smaller

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 G6 C36 1924 - Map

1924 edition scale 1:63 360, all others 1:50 000.

Cape Breton (N.S. : County) — Maps, Topographic.

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Grand Narrows Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1953. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 78 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 G7 C36 1953 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Granville Ferry Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1953. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 80 cm. and 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 G73 C36 1953 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Guernsey Cove Prince Edward Island / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  2nd ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1952. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 78 cm. or smaller

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 G8 C36 1952 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Guysborough Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1952. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 G9 C36 1952 - Map

Canada. Department of Mines and Resources

Halifax - Louisburg Maritime Provinces Ottawa : Hydrographic and Map Service, 1939. 1 map : colour ; 46 cm x 65 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3420 C36 s500 - Map

National Topographic Series Sheet 11 S.W.

Nova Scotia — Maps, Topographic

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Halifax 11 D/12 / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1950. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 H3 C36 1950 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Halifax Halifax County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 3. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1972. 1 map : col. ; 55 x 73 cm. and 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 H35 C36 1972 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Hampstead New Brunswick / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  3rd ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1958. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3432 H36 C36 1958 W - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Herring Cove Halifax County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1972. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 H47 C36 1972 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Hillsborough New Brunswick / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1963. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 78 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3432 H55 C36 1963 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Hopewell Nova Scotia 11 E/7 / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  2nd ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1954. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 H6 C36 1954 - Map

Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources

Iles de la Madeline - Charlottetown / Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources.  Ottawa : Surveys and Mapping Branch, 1973. 1 map : col. ; 45 cm x 70 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3420 C36 s500 - Map

No. 11 N.W. Copy 2: Post Office Dept. 1963.

Maritime Provinces — Maps, Topographic.

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Ingonish Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1954. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 39 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 I5 C36 1954 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Janvrin Island Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1976. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 J36 C36 1976 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Kejimkujik Lake Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1954. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 K37 C36 1954 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Kennetcook Nova Scotia 11 E/4 / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1953. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 K4 C36 1953 - Map

1st edition (1953), and edition 2 (1966) in holdings.

Hants (N.S. : County) — Maps, Topographic.

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

La Have Islands Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1954. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 L15 C36 1954 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Lake Ainslie Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1952. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 78 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 L2 C36 1952 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Lake Rossignol Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1954. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 L27 C36 1954 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Larry's River Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1954. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 L3 C36 1954 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Liscomb Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  2nd ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1954. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 L57 C36 1954 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Liverpool Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1954. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 L58 C36 1954 - Map

Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch

Loch Lomond New Brunswick / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.  1st ed. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1956. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 56 x 80 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3432 L63 C36 1956 - Map

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