Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Canada.
Crown assets : the architecture of the Department of Public Works, 1867-1967 / Jane Wright. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1997. viii, 325 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations (some col.)
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - NA4229 W75 1997
Canada. Canadian Heritage
Parks Canada.
Public buildings — Canada
Public architecture — Canada — History
Architecture and state — Canada — History.
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Crozier family : one branch descended from James Crozier, who became a member of the Masonic Lodge of St. John, Dublin, Ireland, in 1808, and whose descendants settled on Prince Edward Island, Canada / compiled by Roy A. Foulke. Bronxville, N.Y : Foulke, 1976. xix, 97, [6] pages of plates : ill ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 C954 F767 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
Prince Edward Island — Genealogy
Canada — Genealogy.
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Canadian Securities Administrators
CSA/ACVM / Canadian Securities Administrators. Halifax : Nova Scotia Securities Commission, 1998. 10 pieces in portfolio; 31 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.515 #18 - Vertical File
Nova Scotia Securities Commission
Saving and investment — Canada
Financial planners — Canada
Securities — Canada
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Culture Quebec, Association de recherches sur les sciences réligieuses et profanes au Canada. 27 v. 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C89 R32
Sciences religieuses et sciences profanes au Canada.
Association de recherches sur les sciences religieuses et profanes au Canada.
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Curious Canadians / Nancy Liss & Ted Liss. Markham, ON. : Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2002. xi, 252 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC25 L57 2002 - Open Shelf
Canada Biography
Canada — History.
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Customs and excise tariff, with a list of warehousing ports in the Dominion sterling exchange & franc tables; compiled from official sources, 21st February, 1877 Halifax : 1877. 36 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 06827 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Tariff — Law and legislation — Canada
Money — Tables, etc.
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Customs of the American Indians compared with the customs of primitive times / Jospeh François Lafitau ; edited and translated by William N. Fenton and Elizabeth L. Moore. Toronto : Champlain Society, 1974-1977. 2 v. : facisms. ; 25 cm
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C35 L164
Translation of the orig. French edition, publ., Paris : Saugrain : Charles-Estienne Hochereau, 1724, under title: Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps.
Moore, Elizabeth L
Fenton, William N. (William Nelson), 1908-
First Nations of North America — Canada — Social life and customs
First Nations of North America — Social life and customs
Indians of Central America — Social life and customs
Indians of South America — Social life and customs
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Customs tariff and excise duties 1897. 218 pages : tables ; 16 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HFC96
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Canada. Department of Customs and Inland Revenue
Customs-excise : Canada : list of ports of customs and excise / Department of Customs and Inland Revenue. Ottawa : The Dept., 1921. 10 pages : 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.510 #29 - Vertical File
Ports of entry — Canada
Harbors — Canada
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Dalhousie Labour Institute for the Atlantic Provinces
Dalhousie Labour Institute for the Atlantic Provinces, June 11-15, 1979 Halifax, Canada : Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, 1980. ix, 68 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD5507 D143
Labor laws and legislation — Canada — Congresses
Labor and laboring classes — Atlantic Provinces — Congresses
Trade-unions — Atlantic Provinces — Congresses.
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Dalhousie Labour Institute for the Atlantic Provinces, June 13-17, 1977 Halifax : Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, 1978. x, 77 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.363 #12 - Vertical File
Dalhousie University. Institute of Public Affairs.
Trade-unions — Canada — Congresses
Collective bargaining — Canada — Congresses
Industrial relations — Canada — Congresses.
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Dalhousie Labour Institute for the Atlantic Provinces, 1975
Dalhousie Labour Institute for the Atlantic Provinces, June 16-20, 1975 Halifax : Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie Unviersity, 1975. xi, 92 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.129 #23 - Vertical File
Dalhousie University. Institute of Public Affairs.
Old age pensions — Canada — Congresses
Pensions — Canada — Congresses.
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Dazzle ships and figure paintings / Peter Dykhuis, curator. Halifax : Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 1999. 8 pages : illustrations; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.500 #45 - Vertical File
Catalogue of an exhibition : 18 September - 21 November 1999.
Art — Canada — Exhibitions — Catalogs.
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Dear old rebel : a priest's battle for social justice / Harvey Steele. Porters Lake : Pottersfield, 1993. 219 pages, [4] pages of plates : ports. ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BV3705 S75 A3 1993
Corrected ISBN mounted on label.
Missionaries — Canada — Biography.
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Debate on the fisheries bill, of the Hon. Alex. Campbell, commissioner of Crown Lands : in the Legislative Council, on the 9th and 10th March, 1865 Quebec : 1865. 28 pages : 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.136 #26 - Vertical File
Reported for the 'Daily news'. Reference: Cf. TPL 9306 French ed..
Campbell, Alexander, Sir, 1822-1892.
Canada. Legislature. Legislative Council
Daily News (Quebec, Que.)
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Debates of the House of Commons in the year 1774, on the bill for making more effectual provision for the government of the province of Quebec : drawn up from the notes of the Right Honourable Sir Henry Cavendish, bart., member for Lostwithiel, now first / Henry Cavendish. London : Ridgway, 1839. 305 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F50 C31 - Akins
At head of title: Government of Canada. With a map of Canada, copied from the second edition of Mitchell's map of North America, referred to in the debates.
Cavendish, Henry, Sir, 1732-1804
Wright, J. (John), 1770?-1844.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
Constitutional law — Canada
Canada — Politics and government — 1763-1791.
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Definitions required at the local marine board examination for masters, mates and second mates Halifax : Nova Scotia Printing Co., 1884. 32 pages : 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.141 #27 - Vertical File
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Density and rate of growth in the spruces and balsam fir of eastern Canada / by J. D. Hale and J. B. Prince. Ottawa : King's Printer, 1940. 43 pages : illustrations; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.344 #5 - Vertical File
Canada. Lands, Parks and Forests Branch.
Trees — Canada — Growth
Spruce — Canada
Balsam fir — Canada.
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Dental health of Canadians : a perspective / presented to the Health Services Review 1979 by the Canadian Dental Association. Ottawa : The Association, 1980. iv, 143 pages : illustrations
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - RK98 D414
Dental public health — Canada
Dental surveys — Canada.
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Deputy Returning Officer's Handbook (At an ordinary poll) 1979 Canada : Chief Electoral Officer, 1979. 33, 35 pages : illustrations; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.172 #4 - Vertical File
In English and French.
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Descendents of Henry Burrell / by E.J. Newell. Sparks, Nev. : Prospect Publishing, 1993. iii, 94 pages : illustrations, facsims., map, portraits ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 B87 1993 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
Irish — Canada — Genealogy
Yarmouth (N.S. : County) — Biography
Yarmouth (N.S. : County) — Genealogy.
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Description geographique et historique des costes de l'Amerique septentrionale : avec l'histoire naturelle du Païs / par Monsieur Denys, gouverneur lieutenant general pour le Roy. Paris : Chez C. Barbin, 1672. 2 v. in 1 : illustrations ; 16 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F90 D42 - Akins
Contents: Histoire naturelle des peuples, des animaux, des arbres & plantes de l'Amerique septentrionale, & de ses divers climats ...
Cod-fisheries — Canada
Acadia — Discovery and exploration — French
Canada — History — To 1763 (New France)
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Developing descriptive standards : a call to action / prepared for the Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards by Jean E. Dryden and Kent M. Haworth. Ottawa : Bureau of Canadian Archivists, 1987. 15, 15 pages : 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.328 #23 - Vertical File
Text in English and French. Title on added t.p., inverted: L'élaboration de normes de description.
Haworth, Kent M. (Kent MacLean), 1946-
Bureau of Canadian Archivists. Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards.
Cataloging of archival material — Standards — Canada
Descriptive cataloging — Standards — Canada.
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Development phase of the Nova Scotia action plan for the National Forest Strategy, 1998-2003 Halifax : Voluntary Planning, 1999. 181 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.90 #33 - Vertical File
September 1999. At head of title: Final report.
Nova Scotia. Voluntary Planning Board Forestry Sector
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Diamond jubilee of Confederation 1867-1927 : Empire Day Monday May 23rd 1927 Halifax : Dept. of Education, 1927. 36 pages : illustrations, ports., music; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.371 #2 - Vertical File
Nova Scotia. Dept. of Education
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