Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Canada.
National Archives of Canada. Government Records Branch
Managing the records of a minister's office Ottawa : National Archives of Canada, Government Records, 1988. 6, 7 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.399 #8 - Vertical File
Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages. "6210-9". Title on added t.p.: La gestion des documents d'un cabinet de ministre.
Cabinet ministers — Canada
Public records — Canada — Access control
Government information — Canada
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Manitoba and North West Territories : letters / by James Trow ; together with information relative to acquiring Dominion lands, cost of outfit, &c. Ottawa : Department of Agriculture, 1878. 100 pages, [1] folded leaf of plates : map ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC18 C36 - Open Shelf
Reference: Peel (2nd edition 487. Bound with other pamphlets.
Northwest Territories — Description and travel
Manitoba — Description and travel
Canada — Emigration and immigration
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Manual containing The Census Act, and the instructions to officers employed in the taking of the first census of Canada, (1871) / Department of Agriculture, (Census Branch). Ottawa : The Branch, 1871. 36, 2 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK HAC16D - Akins
Canada — Census, 1871 — Handbooks, manuals, etc.
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Manual of Canadian business law / by John Delatre Falconbridge and Sidney Earle Smith. Toronto : Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons (Canada) Ltd., 1933. vii, 295 pages: illustrations; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTC73 F3
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Literary and Historical Society of Quebec
Manuscript relating to the early history of Canada / Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. 2nd ed. Quebec : Middleton & Dawson, 1866. 82 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.170 #9 - Vertical File
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Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch. Research Publications Section
Manuscripts and Bulletins / Research Publications Section, Research Divisions, National Historic Parks and Sites, Environment Canada, Parks. Ottawa : The Section, 1987. 56, 26, 24 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C212 B582 - Open Shelf
Issued also in French under title: Manuscrits et bulletins. Cover title. Includes some publications in French.
National parks and reserves — Canada — Bibliography.
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Manuscripts and government records in the United Kingdom and Ireland relating to Canada / Bruce G. Wilson, editor ; Anita Burdett, Bruce G. Wilson, compilers = Manuscrits et documents gouvernementaux au Royaume-Uni et Irlande concernant le Canada / Bruce G. Wilson, rédacteur ; Anita Burdett, Bruce G. Wilson, compilateurs. Ottawa : National Archives Canada = Archives nationales Canada, 1992. xxxi, 705 pages ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z1382 W54 1992
English and French text.
Archives — Ireland
Archives — Great Britain
Canada — History — Sources
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Many voices : a study of folklore activities in Canada and their role in Canadian culture / Carole Henderson Carpenter. Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1979. x, 484 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR113 C295
Spine title: A study of folklore activities in Canada. Summary in French. A Diamond Jenness memorial volume. Includes index. At head of title: National Museum of Man.
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies
National Museum of Man (Canada)
National Museums of Canada.
Folklore — Canada
Canada — Social life and customs.
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Map of Canada East and West - Scale 1:1,267,200 Buffalo, N.Y. : Horace Thayer, 1852. 2 maps ; col. on 1 sheet ; 50 x 63 cm. folded to 1
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - COX V/F V.13 #8 - Cox
Canada — Maps
Maritime Provinces — Maps
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Map of the Dominion of Canada Corr. to January 1887. -- Ottawa : Department of the Interior, 1887. 1 map : col. ; 41.8 x 91.8 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3401 F7 C36 1887 - Map
Overprint shows boundary line as claimed by the Province of Quebec, 1897. Accompanies: Return to an address of the Legislative Assembly, dated the 23rd November, 1896, for copies of all Orders in Council : and all correspondence exchanged between the government of the Province of Quebec and that of Canada, respecting the north and north-east frontiers of the Province of Quebec.
Canada — Maps
Québec (Province) — Boundaries — Maps
Labrador — Boundaries — Maps.
National Map Collection (Canada)
Maps of Indian reserves and settlements in the National Map Collection / compiled by Linda Camponi ; assisted by Diane Tardif-Côté, Guy Poulin = Cartes des réserves et agglomérations indiennes de la Collection nationale de cartes et plans / compilé par Linda Camponi ; assistée par Diane Tardif-Côté, Guy Poulin. Ottawa : National Map Collection = Collection nationale de cartes et plans, 1980-. ill., maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z1209 C2 N277 1980
Text in English and French.
Camponi, Linda
Poulin, Guy, 1949-
Tardif-Côté, Diane.
First Nations of North America — Canada — Reservations — Maps — Bibliography — Catalogs.
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Marches of the north; from Cape Breton to the Klondike New York, London, The Century Co., 1931. x, 311 pages front., plates, fold. map 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5020 P882 - Open Shelf
Canada — Description and travel
Canada — Description and travel — 1867-1950.
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Marching on: through time with the soldier: a short resumé of Canada's military history / produced by the Army Museum, Halifax Citadel. Halifax : Army Musuem. 35 pages : illustrations : 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.264 #46 - Vertical File
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Marine science, technology and the Arctic : some questions and guidelines for the Federal Government / by John W. Langford. Toronto : University of Toronto - York University, Joint Program in Transportation, 1975. 42 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.239 #23 - Vertical File
Shipping — Arctic regions
Arctic regions — Research — Canada
Arctic regions — Economic conditions.
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Maritime art Wolfville : Maritime Art Association, 1940-1943. 3 v. illus. 26-29 cm. bimonthly.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - NM33
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Maritime drifter / by Ron McKenna. Barrie, ON. : Earth Printing, 1982. 153 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2042 M35 1982 - Open Shelf
Library's copy signed by author.
Canada — Description and travel — 1951-1980
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Marjorie Tremaine Twining: a reminiscence / Mary Kate Bull. Toronto : Mary Kate Bull, 2002. 35 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC27 T97 2002 - Open Shelf
Limited edition of 100; library has copy #47.
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Marshall pioneers and their descendants across Canada and the United States : an historical and genealogical record, 1767-1983 / by Joan (Curtis) Jowsey. Aylmer, Quebec : J. Jowsey, 1983. 417 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 M367 J83 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
Canada — Genealogy
United States — Genealogy.
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Mary in the accounts of what happened in New France, 1634-1641 / by M.W. Burke-Gaffney. Halifax : Saint Mary's University Printing Services, 1979. 36 pages : illustrations.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.10 #18 - Vertical File
This essay won 1st place in the Canadian Marian History Contest of the National Marian Congress of Cap de la Madeleine in 1954.
Canada — History — To 1663 (New France)
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Material memory : documents in post-confederation history / Jeffrey Keshen, Suzanne Morton. Don Mills, ON. : Addison-Wesley, 1998. xvii, 334 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC500 M37 1998 - Open Shelf
Keshen, Jeff, 1962-
Morton, Suzanne, 1961-.
Canada — History — Sources — 1867-.
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Material memory : documents in pre-confederation history / Cornelius Jaenen, Cecilia Morgan. Don Mills, ON. : Addison Wesley, 1998. xx, 328 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC161 M37 1998 - Open Shelf
Jaenen, Cornelius J., 1958-
Morgan, Cecilia.
Canada — History — Sources — To 1763 (New France)
Canada — History — Sources — 1763-1867.
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Intergovernmental Committee on Women in Employment (Canada)
Maternity leave in Canada Ottawa : Ont. : Women's Bureau of Labour Canada, 1980. 53 pages : 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.348 #16 - Vertical File
The Intergovernmental Committee on Women in Employment is responsible for the study.
Maternity leave — Canada
Insurance, Unemployment — Canada.
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School Achievement Indicators Program
Mathematics assessment 1997 / Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, School Achievement Indicators Program. Toronto : Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, 1997. iv, 120 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LB3060.33 S157 C855 1997
SAIP: Mathematics.
Council of Ministers of Education (Canada)
School Achievement Indicators Program.
Mathematics — Study and teaching — Canada — Evaluation
Curriculum evaluation — Canada
Curriculum planning — Canada
Educational tests and measurements — Canada — Statistics.
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McLaren Montréal : National Film Board of Canada, 1980. 31 pages : illustrations, ports.; 39cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S V/F V.13 #2 - Oversize Vertical File
Writer: Guy Glover--Acknowledgements.
National Film Board of Canada.
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Mechanics' lien laws in Canada .. / by William Bernard Wallace. Toronto : Canada Law Book Co., 1905. xxiii, 409 pages : forms ; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - KA93.3 M4 W195
Includes index.
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