Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Canada.
Handy map of Halifax : with the compliments of the Royal Bank of Canada Halifax : The Bank, 194-. 1 folded sheet : map ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F107 H12 2 #1
Halifax (N.S.) — Maps, Tourist.
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Harbour resource study / National Harbours Board. Halifax- : WBA, 1973-. 1 v. (various foliations) : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HT169.57 C22 H3
Canada. National Harbours Board
Halifax (N.S.) — Buildings, structures, etc.
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Health reference book 1946 Ottawa : Edmond Cloutier, King's Printer, 1947. 80 pages : illustrations; 30 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.303 #3 - Vertical File
Canada. Dept. of Trade and Commerce. Vital Statistics Division
Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Vital Statistics Branch
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Healthy families : your community health kit Halifax : Nova Scotia, Literacy Section, 1992. 1 portfolio (5 pieces) ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - RA440.5 N935 1992
Co-published by: National Literacy Secretariat. The Hants Shore Community Health Clinic.
Canada. National Literacy Secretariat
Nova Scotia. Literacy Section
Hants Shore Community Health Clinic.
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Heavy metal contamination of the Salmon River, Nova Scotia, in the vicinity of Yava Mines lead mine / by G.F. Westlake and D. Smith. Dartmouth : Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada, Atlantic Region, 1983. 36, [5] pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TD172 C3352 83-2
Canada. Environmental Protection Service. Atlantic Region.
Water — Pollution — Nova Scotia — Salmon River — Measurement
Heavy metals — Environmental aspects.
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Heraldry in Canada Ottawa : 1969. 23 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.120 #23 - Vertical File
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Heraldry in Canada Ottawa, Heraldry Society of Canada, 1966-. 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CR210 H531
Heraldry — Canada — Periodicals.
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Here is Heritage Canada Ottawa : 1974. 12 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.121 #3 - Vertical File
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Heritage Canada. -- Vol. 1, no.1 (1992) Ottawa : Heritage Canada. v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 H541 - Open Shelf
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Heritage conservation : the built environment / E. Neville Ward ; Land Use Policy and Research Branch, Lands Directorate, Environment Canada. Ottawa : Lands Directorate, Environment Canada, 1986. 156 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - NA108 C212 W257
Canada. Land Use Policy and Research Branch.
Historic buildings — Law and legislation — Canada
Historic sites — Law and legislation — Canada.
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Heritage conversation Ottawa : Heritage Canada, 1975-1977. 3 v. ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 H548 C766 - Open Shelf
Heritage Canada's newsletter.
Historic buildings — Canada — Conservation and restoration — Periodicals
Cultural property, Protection of — Canada — Periodicals.
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Heritage fights back : legal, financial and promotional aspects of Canada's efforts to save its architecture and historic sites / Marc C. Denhez ; with an introduction by Pierre Berton. Ottawa : Heritage Canada, 1978. 286 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 D393 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
Historic sites — Canada — Conservation and restoration
Architecture — Canada — Conservation and restoration
Canada — History, Local.
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Heritage in the 1990s : towards a Government of Canada strategy : summary report Ottawa : Department of Communications, 1990. ii, 56, 59, ii pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 H548 H548 - Open Shelf
Jointly published with: Dept. of the Environment. Edmonton, Alberta, October 25-27, 1990. Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages. Title on added t.p.: Le patrimoine dans les années 1990.
Canada. Communications Canada
Canada. Environment Canada.
Cultural property, Protection of — Canada.
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Heritage of Canada Montreal : Ottawa : Reader's Digest Association (Canada) ; Canadian Automobile Association, 1978. 376 pages : illustrations (some colour), colour maps, portraits (some
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5011 H548 - Open Shelf
Canadian heritage prints, by Frances Anne Hopkins: ([4] pages insertedition Includes index.
Canadian Automobile Association
Reader's Digest Association (Canada)
Historic sites — Canada
Canada — History.
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Parks Canada. ARC Branch. Planning Division
Heritage rivers bibliography : selected references from ARC Branch, Parks Canada card index Parks Canada, 1979. iii, 255 pages ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GB1229 H548
Wild and scenic rivers — Bibliography
Rivers — Canada — Recreational use — Bibliography.
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Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch
Herring Cove Halifax County, Nova Scotia / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources. Ed. 2. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1972. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 40 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 H47 C36 1972 - Map
Canada. Surveys and Mapping Branch
Hillsborough New Brunswick / produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources. Ottawa : Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1963. 1 map : col. ; 56 x 78 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3432 H55 C36 1963 - Map
Hints on district organization / Canadian Girl Guides Association. Toronto : Canadian Girl Guides Association 1954-. 1 sheet; 22 x 61 cm. folded to 22 X 11 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.316 #31 - Vertical File
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Histoire des communications et la tour Cabot de St-John's, Terre-Neuve / par Jean-Pierre Proulx = An history of communications and the Cabot Tower of St-John's, Newfoundland / by Jean-Pierre Proulx. Ottawa : Parks Canada = Parcs Canada, 1978. xi, 155 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #334 - Open Shelf
Text in English and French.
Telecommunication — Newfoundland — St. John's — History
Signal Hill (St. John's, Nfld.) — History.
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Histoire et naufrage des navires le Saphire, la Marguerite, le Murinet et l'Auguste / par Jean-Pierre Proulx. Ottawa : Parcs Canada, 1979. 123 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #337 - Open Shelf
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Historic : guide to Canada's national historic parks Ottawa : Ont. : Parks Canada, 1982. 68 pages : illustrations some copies; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.198 #11 - Vertical File
National parks and reserves — Canada — Guidebooks
Historic sites — Canada — Guidebooks
Canada — Guidebooks.
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Historic Acadia = L'Acadie historique / Parks Canada. Ottawa ; Parcs Canada, 1979. 13 pages : illustrations, 1 map; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.172 #11 - Vertical File
Text in English and French.
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Historic Acadia… Ottawa : Supply and services Canada, 1979. 16 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.103 #23 - Vertical File
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Historic bridges on the Rideau Waterways System : a preliminary report. The St. Peter's Canal swing bridge. The Upper Dorchester covered bridge, Westmorland County, New Brunswick / by Robert Passfield. Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1976-1977. 129, 83, 32 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #212 - Open Shelf
Parks Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.
Bridges — Ontario — History
Bridges — New Brunswick — History
Bridges — Design and construction.
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Canadian Parks Services, Environment Canada
Historic Halifax defense complex: national historic sites Halifax : Canadian Parks Service, 1989-. v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SB481 H173 H673
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