Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Canada Atlases
A historical atlas of Canada / edited by D. G. G. Kerr. Don Mills, ON. : T. Nelson, 1966. ix, 120 pages : illustrations , maps ; 31 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1116 S1 H57 1966 - Map
Cartography : preparation by C.G.I. Bond.
Atlas of Canada / prepared under the direction of J.E. Chalifour. Rev. and enl. ed. Ottawa : Department of the Interior, 1915. 1 atlas (14 pages, [124] pages) : col. illustrations, col. ma
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1115 C36 1915 - Map
Atlas of Canada / prepared under the direction of James White. Ottawa : Department of the Interior, 1906. 1 atlas (21 pages, [119] pages of plates (1 folded))
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1115 C36 1906 - Map
Atlas of Canada Ottawa : Dept of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1957 i.e. 1958-. 1 v. (loose-leaf) : col. maps ; 54 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1115 C36 1957 - Map
Atlas of the Maritime Provinces of the Dominion of Canada with historical and geological descriptions / carefully drawn from new and complete surveys, the British Admiralty charts, the National Boundary survey, railway and government surveys, and the latest and most reliable maps by a corps of competent engineers and draughtsmen. St. John, N.B. : Roe Brothers, 1880. 1 atlas (102 pages) : hand col. maps ; 42 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1120 R64 1880 - Map
Roe's atlas of the Maritime Provinces of the Dominion of Canada. Texts by Duncan Campbell and James Fowler. County maps at scale 1:443 520. Includes maps of the Magdalen Islands and Newfoundland; and patrons' business directory.
Campbell, Duncan, 1819?-1886
Fowler, James, 1829-1923.
Canada Maritime Provinces Atlases
Canada — Provinces maritimes Atlas.
Atlas of the Maritime Provinces of the Dominion of Canada with historical and geological descriptions / drawn on the rectangular polyconic projection, from official plans and actual surveys by and under the direction of Frederick B. Roe. St. John, N.B. ; Halifax : Roe Brothers, 1879. 1 atlas (102 pages) : hand col. maps ; 42 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1120 R64 1879 - Map
PAAP acc. no. 791741. Cover title: Roe's atlas of the Maritime Provinces. Texts by Duncan Campbell and James Fowler. County maps at scale 1:443 520. Includes maps of the Magdalen Islands and Newfoundland; and patrons' business directory.
Campbell, Duncan, 1819?-1886
Fowler, James, 1829-1923.
Roe Brothers (Firm)
Roe Brothers (Firme)
Canada Maritime Provinces Atlases
Canada — Provinces maritimes Atlas.
Canada. Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration
Canada descriptive atlas Ottawa : Department of Citizenship and Immigration, 1951. 1 atlas ([102] pages) : illustrations, 13 col. maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1115 C25 1951 - Map
PAAP acc. no. 803003. Intended audience: Immigrants.
Canada. Ministáere de la citoyennetâe et de l'immigration.
Canada Atlases — Immigrants, for
Canada — Description & travel Immigrants, for
Canada Atlas — Immigrants, pour
Canada — Descriptions & voyages Immigrants, pour.
Philips' historical atlas of Canada / edited by J.W. Chalmers, W.J. Eccles, H. Fullard. London : Toronto : George Philip ; Moyer Division, Vilas Industries Limited (distributors), 1966. 1 atlas (vii, 48 pages) : col. maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1116 S1 G46 1966 - Map
Physical atlas with coloured maps showing the geographical distribution of plants yielding food, climates, flora, soils, regions of summer rains, geological formations and hydrology of the Dominion of Canada / by J. Beaufort Hurlbert. Ottawa : 1880. 1 atlas (34 pages, [3] pages, [10] folded pages of plat
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1116 C1 H87 1880 - Map
Maps compiled and drawn by J. Johnston. NMC has 2 c., PAAP acc. no. 802638 and 802639.
Canada — Physical geographical features Atlases
Canada — Crops Atlases
Canada — Traits physiques de la géographie Atlas
Canada — Cultures Atlas.
The home knowledge atlas Geographical, astromonical, historical...containing a complete gazetteer showing all the cities, towns, villages and post offices in the Dominion of Canada and the United States Toronto : Home Knowledge Association 1891. 1 atlas (440 pages) : col. maps. ; 37 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1019 H66 1891 - Map
Copyright secured, 1891. -- t.pages verso. Includes index.
The new standard atlas of the Dominion of Canada compiled by special permission of the general and provincial governments, from the latest official maps and surveys, and comprising a correct and complete series of the topographical, geological, postal, ra Montreal : Walker and Miles, 1875. 1 atlas (lvi, 187 pages) : maps (some hand col.) ; 48
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1115 W35 1875 - Map
Includes city plans & map of Newfoundland, and maps of the world and the continents. Also includes special maps of the Eastern Townships and adjacent portions of the province of Quebec. Missing front cover, pages i-il, and pages 152-187.
Canada Atlas
Canada — Concessions forestières Atlas
Canada — Chemins de fer, services de — Routes Atlas
Canada — Postes, services des Atlas
Canada Atlases
Canada — Timber limits Atlases
Canada — Railway services &
Nova Scotia Archives —
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