Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
Address of the Hon. John A. Macdonald to the electors of the city of Kingston : with extracts from Mr. Macdonald's speeches delivered on different occasions in the years 1860 and 1861, &c., &c., &c / by John A. Macdonald. 1861-. xiii, 153 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.136 #21 - Vertical File
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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An address to the people of British America : upon subjects relating to the progress of the people and the improvement of the country / by Dr. A. McDonald. A. McDonald, 1853. 32 pages ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F70 M14 - Akins
Published by the author. Tables.
History — 1841-1867
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada — Commerce — United States
United States — Commerce — Canada.
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An enquiry into the merits of confederation and the duty of the hour / by one of the people. Halifax : Z.S. Hall, 1867. 19 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 23415 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Canada — History — Confederation, 1867
Nova Scotia — Politics and government — 19th century
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
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Brief suggestions in regard to the formation of local governments for Upper and Lower Canada : in connection with a federal union of the British North American provinces / by Alpheus Todd. Ottawa : G.E. Desbarats, 1866. 15 pages ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 T56 - Akins
Printed by order. Includes bibliographical references.
Local government — Canada
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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Canada : state of political parties, economy in the government, the St. Lawrence as a great commercial highway, public instruction, &c. &c / translated from the Journal de Québec. Toronto : C. Donlevy, 1851. 35 pages ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F65 C16 - Akins
Attributed to Joseph Cauchon. Cf. TPL 3154, Gagnon I 642. References: Casey I 2245; Gagnon I 642; Sabin 10387; TPL 3154.
Debts, Public — Canada
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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Canadian Confederation : a decision-making analysis / W. L. White. Toronto : Ottawa : Macmillan of Canada ; Institute of Canadian Studies, Carleton University, 1979. xi, 164 pages ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC474 C35 1979 - Open Shelf
White, W. L. (Walter L.), 1921-1975.
Carleton University. Institute of Canadian Studies.
Fathers of Confederation
Canada — History — Confederation, 1867
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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Confederation 1867 / J. T. Copp and Marcel Hamelin. [Rev. ed.] Toronto : Copp Clark Pub. Co, 1966. 98 pages : maps; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.535 #21 - Vertical File
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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Confederation and its leaders / by M.O. Hammond. Toronto : McClelland, Goodchild & Stewart, 1917. x, 333 pages, [17] pages of plates : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC511 A1 H35 1917 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
Statesmen — Canada — Biography
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada Biography.
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Confederation of the provinces of British North America / by John George Bourinot. Nova Scotia : 1866-. 18 pages : 22cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.539 #5 - Vertical File
Re-published from the 'Halifax Evening Reporter', of the 10th, 13th and 17th November, 1866--T.p. verso. In double columns. Photocopy of Ak F75 .B66c
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada — History — 1841-1867.
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Confederation, 1854-1867 / by P. B. Waite. Toronto : Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1972. vii, 131 pages ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC474 W35 1972 - Open Shelf
Distributed in the USA by Mine Publications, Minneapolis, Minn.
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867 — Sources.
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Confederation, or, The political and parliamentary history of Canada : from the conference at Quebec in October, 1864, to the admission of British Columbia, in July, 1871 / by John Hamilton Gray. Toronto : Copp, Clark, 1872. 2 v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 G79 - Akins
Tables. Includes index.
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada — History — 1867-
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Correspondence between the Hon. W.H. Draper & the Hon. R.E. Caron : and, between the Hon. R.E. Caron, and the Honbles. L.H. Lafontaine & A.N. Morin, referred to in a recent debate in the Legislative Assembly : containing many suppressed letters Montreal : Desbarats & Derbishire, 1846. 36 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S AKF74 C22 - Akins Oversize
Caron, R. E. (René Edouard), 1800-1876
Lafontaine, L. H. (Louis Hippolyte), Sir, 1807-1864.
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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Has the country been sold? : a letter to the electors of Nova Scotia, in which certain people and pamphlets are reviewed, and certain facts and arguments stated / by a cosmopolitan. Halifax : 1867. 29 pages : 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.159 #22 - Vertical File
Nova Scotia — Politics and government — 1784-1867 — Addresses, essays, lectures
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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British American League. Convention
Minutes of the proceedings of a convention of delegates of the British American League / British American League. Kingston, Ont. : Chronicle and News, 1849. 24 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F65 B76 - Akins
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada — Commerce.
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Nova Scotia and Confederation, 1864-74 / Kenneth G. Pryke. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1979. xi, 240 pages : map ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5227 P973 - Open Shelf
Nova Scotia — Politics and government — 1763-1867
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
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Observations upon a union of the colonies of British North America / by P.S. Hamilton. Halifax : English and Blackadar, 1855. 51 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 H18 - Akins
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada — Economic conditions — To 1867.
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On the intention of the imperial government to unite the provinces of British North America : and a review of some events which took place during the session of the provincial Parliament in 1854 in Quebec / by Henry Taylor. Toronto : 1858. 117 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 T21 - Akins
Representative government and representation — Canada
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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Sleigh, Burrows Willcocks Arthur
Pine forests and hacmatack clearings : travel, life, and adventure in the British North American provinces / by Burrows Willcocks Arthur Sleigh. 2nd ed. London : Richard Bentley, 1853. xvi, 408 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm 3980 - Open Shelf
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
British Columbia — Description and travel — To 1871.
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Sir Charles Metcalfe defended against the attacks of his late counsellors / by Egerton Ryerson. Toronto : British Colonist, 1844.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.249 #1 - Vertical File
Includes index.
Representative government and representation — Canada
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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Speech delivered in the Legislative Assembly, by Christopher Dunkin, Esq., member for Brome, during the debate on the subject of the confederation of the British North American provinces / by Christopher Dunkin. Quebec : Hunter, Rose, 1865. 64 pages ; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F75 D92
At head of title: Parliamentary debates, 3rd Session, 8th Parliament, Canada. Caption title: Speech on the confederation of the provinces.
Canada. Legislature. Legislative Assembly.
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada — History — Confederation, 1867.
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Speech of the Hon. A.T. Galt, at the Chamber of Commerce, Manchester, September 25, 1862 London : British North American Association, 1862. 16 pages ; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F70 B77 - Akins
British North American Association.
Canada — Economic conditions — 1763-1867
Canada — Foreign relations — Great Britain
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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Speech on the proposed union of the British North American provinces : delivered at Sherbrooke, C.E., by the Hon A.T. Galt, minister of finance, 23rd November, 1864 / by A.T. Galt. Montreal : M. Longmoore & Co., 1864. 24 pages ; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F75 G13
Reprinted from the Montreal gazette.
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867.
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Speeches and addresses chiefly on the subject of British-American union / by Thomas D'Arcy McGee. London : Chapman and Hall, 1865. viii, 308 pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 M17 - Akins
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Great Britain — Colonies — America.
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Speeches delivered by the Hon. Messrs. Currie, Seymour and Simpson, members of the Legislative council, on the subject of the confederation of the British North American provinces Quebec : Hunter, Rose & Co., 1865. 40 pages ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F75 C93 - Akins
At head of title: Parliamentary debates, 3rd session, 8th Parliament, Canada. In double columns.
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada — History — Confederation, 1867.
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The Charlottetown Conference : and the Birth of Canada / Deirdre Kessler and Douglas Baldwin. Halifax : Nimbus Publishing, 2015. 123 pages : illustrations (some colour) ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC476 K47 2015 - Open Shelf
Series: Stories of Our Past (Halifax, Nova Scotia). In mid-June 1864, the Province of Canada (Ontario and Quebec) was experiencing what contemporaries call 'political deadlock': no political party could hold a majority in the Assembly. The past fifteen years had seen twelve different governments, and few important laws were passed. As a result, the 'Great Coalition' was formed, seeking to turn the Canadas into a federal union. That September, delegates from the three Maritime provinces prepared to discuss their potential union in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. With the addition of delegates representing the Canadas, however, the conference became the catalyst for the formation of the Dominion of Canada. The newest title in the Stories of Our Past series explores the political motives surrounding Confederation, with a focus on the pivotal role of the 1864 Charlottetown Conference. Highlighted with images, tables, and informative sidebars, The Charlottetown Conference is an accessible history of the birth of a nation. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Charlottetown Conference — 1864
Canada — Politics and government — 1841-1867
Canada — History — 1841-1867
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