Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Boudreau, R. L.
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Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CD3645 Q3 A659
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Chansons d'Acadie. 1- série / recueillies et publiées par Daniel Boudreau et Anselme Chiasson. Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montreal : Réparation, 1942-. score v. : illustrations.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.333 #33 - Vertical File
1. serie, 3. éd. Unacc. melodies. Présentation signed: Père Anselme et Frère Daniel, capucins. Text reproduced from typewritten copy. Préface, "L'Acadie chante", by Marius Barbeau.
Boudreau, Daniel
Chiasson, Anselme, 1911-
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Chéticamp : mémoires / Anselme Boudreau ; réécrit et annoté par Père Anselme Chiasson. Moncton, N.-B. : Éditions des Aboiteaux, 1996. 228 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 C526 B756 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
Acadians — Nova Scotia — Chéticamp — Biography
Chéticamp (N.S.) — Anecdotes
Chéticamp (N.S.) — History.
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City of order: crime and society in Halifax, 1918-35 / Michael Boudreau. Vancouver : UBC Press, 2012. xii, 327 pages: illustrations, map; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV6810 H173 B756 2012
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Crime — Nova Scotia — Halifax — History — 20th century
Criminal justice, Administration of — Nova Scotia — Halifax — History — 20th century
Sociological jurisprudence — Nova Scotia — Halifax — History — 20th centur
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Crime and society in a city of order : Halifax, 1918-1935 Kingston, ON. : The Author, 1996. [ix], 577 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV6810 H3 B68 1996
Criminal justice, Administration of — Nova Scotia — Halifax
Criminals — Nova Scotia — Halifax
Crime — Nova Scotia — Halifax
Halifax (N.S.) — Economic conditions
Halifax (N.S.) — Social conditions
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Cyriac Irene Boudreau : enseignant et fonctionnaire public / Gerald C. Boudreau. Gerald C. Boudreau, 2004. 31 pages : illustrations, port. some copies; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.539 #3 - Vertical File
Cover title. Text in French.
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Dear old St. John's : a history of the Parish of St. John the Baptist, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia / by Keith Boudreau, Michael MacMillan. New Glasgow : 1987. 84 pages : illustrations; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.254 #15 - Vertical File
Errata slip inserted.
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Economic development strategies and the Micmac of Nova Scotia / by Lynda Kuhn Boudreau. Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1985. 116 frames ; 11 X 15 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche B756 - Open Shelf
Includes abstract in English and French.
First Nations of North America — Nova Scotia — Governmental relations
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La cuisine traditionnelle en Acadie / Marielle Boudreau et Melvin Gallant. Moncton : Éditions d'Acadie, 1975. 181 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations (some col.) ;
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TX715 B756 A168
Includes index.
Gallant, Melvin, 1933-, jt. auth.
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L'apostolat du missionnaire Jean Mande Sigogne et les Acadiens du sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Ecosse Montreal : the author, 1989. 196 pages: illustrations, maps, charts.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX4735 S578 B756
Acadians — History
Missionaries — Nova Scotia — History
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Le père Sigogne et les Acadiens du sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse / Gérald C. Boudreau. Montréal : Bellarmin, 1992. 229 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX4705 S63 B68 1992
Priests — Nova Scotia — Biography
Acadians — Religion.
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Les écrits du père Sigogne / transcrits par Gérald C. Boudreau. Pointe-de-l'Église : Presses de l'Université Sainte-Anne, 1987-. ill. ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX4735 S578 B756
Acadians — Nova Scotia — Religion — Sources
Nova Scotia — Church history — 19th century — Sources.
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Les ecrits du pere Sigogne: volume 1 Pointe-de-l'Eglise Church Point, Nouvelle-Ecosse : Les Presses de l'Universite Sainte-Anne. v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX4735 S578 B756 E74
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Médecine traditionnelle en Acadie : enquête ethnographique / Marielle Cormier-Boudreau ; illustrations, Yves Boudreau. Moncton, N.-B. : Éditions d'Acadie, 1992. 290 pages : illustrations (some col.) ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GN477 C811
Traditional medicine — New Brunswick
Acadians — New Brunswick — Medicine — Formulae, receipts, prescriptions
Medicinal plants — New Brunswick.
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Our family tree / Leatha Boudreau Sisson. 1980- Upper Kent, N.B. : L.B. Sisson, 1980-. ill., ports ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS89 S623 - Open Shelf
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Père Sigogne, l'ami des Acadiens / Gérald C. Boudreau ; dessins, Jeanne Boudreau, Nicole Boudreau, Germaine Comeau. Pointe de l'Eglise: Centre provincial de ressources pédagogiques, 1987. 19 pages : illustrations; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.317 #37 - Vertical File
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Rare and Unusual Treat of Historical Significance: the 1923 Hector Celebration and the Political Economy of the Past
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.396 #26 - Vertical File
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Sigogne par les sources / edited by Gâerald C. Boudreau. Moncton, N.-B. : Editions d'Acadie, 1997. 201 pages : facsim. ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX1756 S54 S53 1997
In French.
Universite Sainte-Anne. Chaire d'etude en civilisation acadienne de la Nouvelle-Ecosse.
Acadians — Religious life — Nova Scotia — Sources
Nova Scotia — Church history — 19th century — Sources.
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Strikes, rural decay, and socialism
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX9002 M37 C65
indexed article in The Contribution of Presbyterianism to the Maritime Provinces of Canada
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The Chéticamp cooperative store:Histoire d'une réussite: a success story =le magasin coopératif de Cheticamp / by Alexandre J. Boudreau. Chéticamp : 1986. 24 pages 8 pages of plates. 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.316 #11 - Vertical File
Text in French and English.
Cooperative societies — Nova Scotia — Cheticamp
Cheticamp (N.S.) — Business
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The emergence of the social gospel in Nova Scotia : the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist churches and the working class, 1880-1914 Kingston, ON.- : The Author, 1991. ii, 230 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BT738 B68 1991
Social gospel
Working class — Religious life
Nova Scotia — Church history
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The man who loved schooners / R.L. Boudreau. Halifax : Nimbus, 2000. 170 pages : illustrations, ports. ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - G540 B756 2000
Boudreau, Walter, — 1918-1996.
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Une Dialectique du pouvoir en Acadie : Eglise et autorité / sous la direction de Gérald C. Boudreau. Ville St. Laurent, Canada : Fides, 1991. 239 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX1422 N68 D53 1991
Proceedings of the Congrès du centenaire de l'Université Sainte-Anne, held at Pointe-de-l'Eglise, N.E. on Oct. 18-20, 1990.
Université Sainte-Anne. Congrès du centenaire (1990 : Church Point, Digby, N.S.)
Church and state — Nova Scotia — History — Congresses
Acadia — Church history — Congresses
Nova Scotia — Church history — Congresses.
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Wedgeport : 1767 à nos jours / par Clarence-J. d'Entremont ; sous la direction de Blair Boudreau. 2e éd. / Wedgeport, N.-E. : Editions Lescarbot, 1995- . 250 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 W41 D43 1995 - Open Shelf
Additional title page: Histoire de Wedgeport ; deuxième édition. In French.
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