Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Benjamin, S G W.
A Rogers family chronicle : emigration from Wales, settlement in Canada, dispersal / Evan Benjamin Rogers in collaboration with Claudia Hester Rogers. Charlottetown : Rogers Hardware Co., 1991. 55 pages : illustrations, map ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 R725 - Open Shelf
Canada — Genealogy
Wales — Genealogy
United States — Genealogy.
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Taylor, Benjamin Walter Rogers
Alexandra, and other poems Albany, N.Y. : John S. Murray. 124 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PR2 .T21
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Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure New York : Harper, 1878. 274 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GB457 B46
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Canadian Jews, early in this century / by B. G. Sack ; with Benjamin Gutl Sack, a preface' by Saul Hayes ; translated from the Yiddish by Anne Glass. Montreal : National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1975. 95 pages : illustrations, portraits
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5033 J3 C648 #4 - Open Shelf
Jews in Canada — History
Sack, Benjamin Gutelius, — Biography. 1889-1967.
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Diary kept at the Siege of Louisburg, March 11-August 2, 1745 / with notes and an introduction by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge Mass. : J. Wilson, 1909. 12 pages ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F37.55 M38p - Open Shelf
Tentatively attributed to Benjamin Stearns--pages [3], and NUC. Presented before the Massachusetts Historical Society, 11 Feb. 1909. Reference: NUC pre-1956, v. 565, pages 606.
Green, Samuel A. (Samuel Abbott), 1830-1918.
Massachusetts Historical Society.
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1745.
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New Brunswick blue book and encyclopedia / biographical sketches by James Conwell. Nova Scotia blue book and encyclopedia / historical review by Benjamin Russell ; biographical sketches by James Conwell. Toronto : Historical Publishers Association, 1932. 44, 127, 67 pages ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F93 N85
Attributed to Benjamin Russell. First part (44 pages deals with New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Second part (127 pages concerns Nova Scotia, and has own t.pages Third part (67 pages consists of biographical sketches. Binding variant. In some copies, the section on Nova Scotia precedes that on New Brunswick. Bindings display either the arms of N.S. or N.B., and appropriate spine and cover titles, depending on which section is bound first. In addition, the binding of some copies is decorated in gilt; these items are part of a limited edition of 100 numbered copies.
Maritime Provinces — Biography
Maritime Provinces — History
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Romanism for and against : sermons, orations St. John, N.B. : Printed by Robert Shives, Book on Job Printer, 1861. various pagings ; illustrations ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - COX BV4241 R758 - Cox
Dempster, John
Gallaway, J. C
Gray, J. W. D. (John William Dering), 1797-1868
Hill, M
Hopkins, Mark, 1802-1887
Maturin, Edmund, 1819-1891
McCoy, Amasa
Chapin, E. H
Huntoon, Benjamin.
Mechanics' institutes
Libraries, Workingmen's — New Brunswick
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The Negro in the American Revolution Chapel Hill : Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Va., by University of North Carolina Press, 1961. xiii, 231 pages : front. ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E269 N3 Qu2 N31
Institute of Early American History and Culture (Williamsburg, Va.)
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Afro-Americans.
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The Pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen : illustrated by translations from the Icelandic sagas / edited with notes and a general introduction by B.F. De Costa. Albany, N.Y. : J. Munsell, 1868. 118 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 13024 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Includes index.
DeCosta, B. F. Benjamin Franklin, 1831-1904.
America — Discovery and exploration — Norse.
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Woman, her character, culture and calling a full discussion of woman's work in the home, the school, the church and the social circle, with an account of her successful labors in moral and social reform / by a galaxy of distinguished authors in the United States and Canada ; with introduction by Frances E. Willard ; edited by the Rev. Principal Austin. Brantford, Ont. : Book & Bible House, 1890. 253 frames : illustrations
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 06583 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Austin, B. F. Benjamin Fish, 1850-1932.
Women — Employment
Women — History
Women — Health and hygiene
Women — Suffrage
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