Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Barr, John
A Collection of authentic, useful and entertaining voyages and discoveries digested in a chronological series / compiled by John Barrow. London : Printed for J. Knox, 1765. 264 pages : illustrations, maps.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK I5 B27 - Akins
Performed by the following celebrated commanders, viz. Christopher Columbus, Vasco de Gama ... Volume I.
Voyages and travels
Voyages around the world
America — Discovery and exploration.
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Collection of authentic, useful, and entertaining voyages and discoveries, digested in a chronological series London : Pr. For J. Knox, 1765. v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F5 .B27 - Akins
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Mack shorthand: a connective-vowel system for everybody Kentville : Mack Pub. Co. 56 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTS4 M153
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United States. Army. New York Infantry Regiment, 2nd (1776-1783)
Orderly books of the Fourth New York Regiment, 1778-1780, the Second New York Regiment, 1780-1783 / by Samuel Tallmadge and others ; with diaries of Samuel Tallmadge, 1780-1782, and John Barr, 1779-1782 ; prepared for publication by Almon W. Lauber of the Division of Archives and History. Albany : University of the State of New York, 1932. 933 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F36 T14
The 4th New York regiment ... January 1, 1781 ... with the 2nd and 5th New York together with Col. Livingstons regiments, &c. were reorganized as the 2nd New York.--pages 8.
Barr, John
Tallmadge, Samuel, 1755-1825.
United States. Army. New York Infantry Regiment, 4th (1776-1780)
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Sources
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Regimental histories.
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Spelling made easy Kentville : Mack Pub. Co., 1950. 24 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.277 #15 - Vertical File
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The genealogist's guide : an index to printed British pedigrees and family histories, 1950-1975 .. / compiled by Geoffrey B. Barrow ; with a foreword by Anthony J. Camp. London : Chicago : Research Publishing Co. ; American Library Association, 1977. xv, 205 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS411 B278 - Open Shelf
On t.p.: Being a supplement to G. W. Marshall's Genealogist's guide and J. B. Whitmore's Genealogical guide.
Marshall, George William, 1839-1905. Genealogist's guide
Whitmore, John Beach. Genealogical guide
Marshall, George W. (George William), 1839-1905. Genealogist's guide
Marshall, George, 1839-1905. Genealogist's guide
Whitmore, John Beach. Genealogical guide
Marshall, George W. (George William), 1839-1905. Genealogist's guide to printed pedigrees.
Great Britain — Genealogy — Bibliography.
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