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Results 2826 to 2850 of 9133 from your search: B. & H. B. Kent

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: B. & H. B. Kent

Edinburgh review

Essays from the Edinburgh review 858 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PR.ED4 .ES8

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Essays in colonial history presented to Charles McLean Andrews / by his students.  New Haven : Yale University Press, 1931. xvi, 345 pages : port. ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F35 Es7 An2

Essays in the history of Canadian law / edited by David H. Flaherty.  Toronto : Published for the Osgoode Society by University of Toronto Press, 1981-. 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - KE396 N935 E78

Chalmers, Thomas. Balmer, Robert

Essays on Christian Union / by Thomas Chalmers.  London : Adams & Co., 1845. 522 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 C35E - Akins

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, baron, 1800-1859

Essays, critical and miscellaneous. New and revised ed New York : D. Appleton, 1864. 744 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PR4963 Es7

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Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1800-1859

Essayscomplete edition London : George Routledge and sons, 1887. 856 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PR.M12

missing 03/91; incomplete; unbound

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Essential rules of French grammar and review exercises / compiled by Ross H. Ford and Dudley B. Wilson.  Montreal : West Hill High School, 1944. 95 pages; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.337 #28 - Vertical File

Ford, Ross H
Wilson, Dudley B.

French — Textbooks

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Bessey, Charles E.

Essentials of botany. 7th ed. Rev. and enl New York : Henry Holt and Co., 1900. 356 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTB65 B4

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Whigam, Wallace Hugh

Essentials of commercial law / by Wallace Hugh Whigham: Lloyd L. Jones; James William Moody.  2nd rev. ed. New York; Toronto : The Gregg Publishing Company, 1935. x, 530 pages: illustrations; ports.; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTC73 W572

Commercial law

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Vos, Bert John

Essentials of German / by B.J. Os.  6th ed. New York : Holt, 1945,1936. vi, 369 pages : illustrations, map, music. ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTG31 V6

German language — Grammar — 1870-

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Saint-Valier, Jean Baptiste de la Croix Chevrieres de

Estat present de l'eglise et de la colonie Francaise dans la Nouvelle-France / par M. L'Eveque de Quebec.  Quebec : A. Cote & cie, 1856. 102 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5063.1 S15 - Open Shelf

Canada — History — To 1663 (New France).

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Estes Genealogies 1097-1893 / compiled by Charles Estes of Warren, Rhode Island.  Salem, Mass. : Eben Putnam Publishing, 1894. xvi, port., illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 E88 E88 1894 - Open Shelf

Printed for the family.

Estes, Charles, b. 1849.

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Mahone Bay (N.S.)

Estimates / Town of Mahone Bay.  Mahone Bay : The Town, 193--. 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 M21 M21e - Open Shelf

Mahone Bay (N.S.) — Appropriations and expenditures.

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Nova Scotia. House of assembly

Estimates of expenditure to be incurred1934 p. 35-49

Nova Scotia Archives Library - J104 K3 R29 - Open Shelf

Part of Appendix 2, Journals of the House of Assembly, 1934.

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Nova Scotia. House of assembly

Estimates of revenue and expenditure for public service of Nova Scotia, 1899/1900-1966/67 Halifax : Queen's printer, 1964-66. v.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - J104 K3 R29 E79 - Open Shelf

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Équipe Héritage d'herbages

Es-tu bâdré de tes vivres? : médecine traditionnelle en Acadie / Equipe Héritage d'herbages.  Moncton : Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1979. 204 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - R133 E74

Includes index.

Traditional medicine — Acadia
Materia medica, Vegetable — Acadia
Medicinal plants — Acadia.

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Université de Moncton. Centre d'études acadiennes

État général des collections de folklore du Centre d'études acadiennes / réalisé par Norbert Robichaud et Ginette Léger ; sous la direction de Ronald Labelle.  Moncton, N.-B. : Centre d'études acadiennes, Centre universitaire de Moncton, 1996. iv, 167 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z883 U44 1996

Université Laval. Division des archives

Etat général des fonds d'archives institutionnelles / par Hélène Bernier.  Québec : Université Laval, Bureau du secrétaire général, Divison des archives, 1987. ii, 253 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche U587 - Open Shelf

Bernier, Hélène, 1949-

Archives — Québec Province — Catalogs.

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Archives nationales du Québec

Etat général des petits fonds et collections d'archives manuscrites d'origine privée conservés au Centre d'archives de Montréal, de Laval, de Lanaudière, des Laurentides et de la Montérégie / Archives nationales du Québec.  Québec : Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère des affaires culturelles, 1992. 234 pages ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CD3645 Q3 E83 1992

McGee, Harold Franklin

Ethnic boundaries and strategies of ethnic interaction a history of Micmac-white relations in Nova Scotia / by Harold Franklin McGee.  The Author, Carbondale, Ill. : 1973. xiii, 151 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm M624 - Open Shelf

Includes vita.

First Nations of North America — Nova Scotia
Assimilation Sociology

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Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.). International Education Centre

Ethnic directory - 1980 / Compiled by the staff of a Summer Youth Employment Program under the auspices of the International Education Centre.  Halifax, Saint Mary's University, 1980. unpaged

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 S146 - Open Shelf


Nova Scotia — Population — Ethnic Groups — Directories.

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Beaton Institute of Cape Breton Studies

Ethnic resources inventory : Nova Scotia / compiled by the Beaton Institute, University College of Cape Breton and the International Education Center, St. Mary's University ; principal research, Elizabeth Beaton-Planetta et al.  Sydney : The Institute, 1984. 7, 7 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S V/F V.13 #7 - Oversize Vertical File

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Ethnicity in Atlantic Canada Saint John : Division of Social Science, University of New Brunswick, 1985. vi, 117 pages : maps ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5028 E84 - Open Shelf

Cranston, James Herbert6

Etienne Brule, immortal scoundrel Toronto : Ryerson Press, 1949. 144 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F40 B83 C85

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Bourgeois, Thérèse D.

Etude de rentabilite sur un cours en construction de meubles de styles acadiens et recherches sur le meuble acadien 1975. 88 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TS880 B772

Furniture — Acadian

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