Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: B. & H. B. Kent
Champlain, the life of fortitude New York : Aldred A. Knopf, 1948. 371 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F83 C35 B54
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Changed from Romanism to the light of the gospel : with an exposure of modernism at Mount Allison / by Stephen Poirier. Sackville, N.B. : 1949. 12 pages : 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.431 #35 - Vertical File
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Changes effected or contemplated within the Department of Finance/ / by Peter M. Nicholson. Halifax- : 1971. [5] l.; 30 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HJ2460 N935f N627
Report to the Executive Council by ... Minister of Finance.
Taxation — Nova Scotia
Finance, Public — Nova Scotia
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Changes effected or contemplated within the Treasury Board / by Peter M. Nicholson. Halifax- : n.s., 1971. [2] l. ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HJ2460 N935TN627
Report to the Executive Council by ... Chairman of the Treasury Board.
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Changes in butylin residue concentrations in marine sediments of Atlantic Canada between 1988 and 1994 / W.R. Ernst et al. Dartmouth : Environmental Protection Branch, Environment Canada, Atlantic Region, 1999. 10, 12 pages : illustrations, map; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.511 #21 - Vertical File
February, 1999.
Environmental Protection Branch.
Paint, Antifouling — Environmental aspects
Tributylin — Environmental aspects
Organotin compounds — Environmental aspects.
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Changes in the fruit tree inventory of the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia : 1939-1982 / by C.G. Embree, M.J. Blenkhorn, B.J. McLaughlin. Kentville : Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association, 1984. 30 pages : illustrations; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.495 #12 - Vertical File
Assisted by the Canada/Nova Scotia Agri-Food Development Agreement.
Blenkhorn, M. J
McLaughlin, B. J.
Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association.
Apples — Nova Scotia — Annapolis Valley
Fruit trees — Nova Scotia — Annapolis Valley
Fruit-culture — Nova Scotia — Annapolis Valley.
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Changing economic roles for Micmac men and women : an ethnohistorical analysis / Ellice B. Gonzalez. Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1981. x, 157 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E99 M6 G642 1981
Includes abstract in French. At head of title: National Museum of Man. A Diamond Jenness Memorial Volume.
Canadian Ethnology Service
National Museum of Man (Canada)
National Museums of Canada.
Mi'kmaq — Economic conditions
Mi'kmaq — Social conditions
Sex role — Nova Scotia — History
First Nations of North America — Nova Scotia — Economic conditions
First Nations of North America — Nova Scotia —
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Changing Halifax / by Archibald MacMechan ; with pictures by Gyrth Russell.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C16m v.41
In The Canadian magazine 41 : 4 (Aug. 1913, pages[326]-336.
Halifax (N.S.) — Description — Views
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Changing perspectives : a case study of intimate partner homicides in Nova Scotia / prepared by Peggy Mahon. Halifax : Nova Scotia Government Book Store, 1995. xxvii, 280, [53] pages : illustrations ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HQ809.3 C2 M24 1995
Project #4887-03-91-218. Submitted to Family Violence Prevention Division, Health Canada.
Canada. Family Violence Prevention Division.
Homicide — Nova Scotia
Conjugal violence — Nova Scotia
Family violence. — Nova Scotia.
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Channel shore Toronto : Macmillan, 1954. 398 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F92 B83
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Chansons d'Acadie. 1- série / recueillies et publiées par Daniel Boudreau et Anselme Chiasson. Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montreal : Réparation, 1942-. score v. : illustrations.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.333 #33 - Vertical File
1. serie, 3. éd. Unacc. melodies. Présentation signed: Père Anselme et Frère Daniel, capucins. Text reproduced from typewritten copy. Préface, "L'Acadie chante", by Marius Barbeau.
Boudreau, Daniel
Chiasson, Anselme, 1911-
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New Brunswick. Department of Education
Chants / Ministère de l'education du Nouveau Brunswick; avec la collaboration de Radio-Canada et des postes CBAF CHNC CJEM; enseignés par Sr Marie Lucienne de Notre-Dame d'Acadie. St. Hyacinthe, Que. : la bonne chanson 19--. 1 folded sheet 24 pages : illustrations; 17 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.330 #34 - Vertical File
Songs (French) — New Brunswick
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Chappell diary: a play of early Prince Edward Island Belfast, P.E.I. : Ragweed Press, 1977. 60 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.110 #8 - Vertical File
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Character education and nation building in the Maritimes, 1880-1920 / by Robert Nicholas Bérard. Truro : Nova Scotia Teachers College, 1993. 57 pages : 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.376 #12 - Vertical File
Moral education — Maritime Provinces
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Chareae of North America New York, 1906.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.65 #5 - Vertical File
from the Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden, V.4, no. 13, 1906.
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Charge / Leigh Faulkner. Fredericton, N.B. : Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1982. 28 pages : 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.222 #12 - Vertical File
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Tupper, Sir Charles, bart., 1821-1915
Charges against the government and its officials in connection with the Yukon administration speech on the amendment to the address to his excellency… Ottawa : 1899. 42 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.196 #25 - Vertical File
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Charles Codman : the landscape of art and culture in 19th-century Maine / edited by Caroline F. Sloat. Portland, Me. : Portland Museum of Art, Maine, 2002. 96 pages : illustrations (some col.) ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - ND237 C671 A4 2002
Published in conjunction with an exhibition held at the Portland Museum of Art, Maine, Nov. 7, 2002-Jan. 5, 2003.
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Fergusson, Charles Bruce, 1911-1978
Charles Fenerty, the life and achievement of a native of Sackville, Halifax County, N.S… Halifax : Macnab, 1955. 15 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.77 #28 - Vertical File
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Roberts, Sir Charles George Douglas, 1860-
Charles G.D Roberts, by James Cappon Toronto : Ryerson Press. 148 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F83 R54 C17
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Charles Inglis: a reassessment - In Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society, vol. XXX, no. 2, October 1988, p. 75-93 1988. pages 75-93.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.414 #15 - Vertical File
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Charlotte Lane house which is the old Ross-Thompson house in Shelburne, Nova Scotia Milton, Mass. : Turtle press, 1949. 11 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.122 #21 - Vertical File
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Nova Scotia Department of Labour. Economics and Research Division
Chart analysis of manpower training requirements for Nova Scotia 1970 and 1975 Halifax : the dept., 1966.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.118 #3 - Vertical File
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Chart and description of Sable Island / Joseph Darby ; engraved by C.W. Torbett. Halifax : 1824. 1 map ; 34 x 60 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 S2 D37 1824 - Map
Includes comments on the island's buildings, currents in the surrounding waters, and the locations and names of various shipwrecks.
Sable Island (N.S.) — Maps
Sable Island (N.S.) — Nautical charts.
Charter ... with list of shareholders and act of incorporation Halifax, 1826. 48 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK HE1 SH9d - Akins
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