Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: B. & H. B. Kent
A community history / compiled by members of the Mira Gut Branch of the Women's Institute. Mira Gut : The Women's Institute 198ö. 22 pages : illustrations; map; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.323 #7 - Vertical File
Women's Institute of Nova Scotia. Mira Gut Branch
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A comparative report and catalogue of blockhouses in Canada / by Richard J. Young. Ottawa : Parks Canada, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, 1973. 383 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #155 - Open Shelf
Parks Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.
Fortification — Canada
Martello towers — Canada
Canada — Defenses.
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A comparative study of married women's labour supply for Nova Scotia and Ontario / by Afroz Hasan. Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1989. 162 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche H344 - Open Shelf
Women in the labor movement — Nova Scotia
Women — Employment — Nova Scotia
Women — White collar workers — Nova Scotia
Wages — Women — Nova Scotia
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A comparative study of the bark, bone, wood and hide items made by the historic Micmac, MontagnaisNascapi and Beothuk Indians / by Janet Elizabeth Chute. 1976. xiii, 391 pages : illustrations, maps.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm C564 - Open Shelf
Mi'kmaq — Antiquities
Montagnais Indians — Antiquities
Naskapi Indians — Antiquities
Beothuk Indians — Antiquities.
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A compendious German grammar, with a dictionary of the principal prefixes and affixes alphabetically arranged / by Adolphus Bernays. 2nd ed. London : Treuttel, Wurtz and Richter, 1833. vi, 186 pages; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTG31 B524 C737
German language — Study and Teaching
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A compendium of Canadian folk artists / Terry Kobayashi, Michael Bird. Erin, ON. : Boston Mills Press, 1985. 241 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - NK841 K62 1985
Folk art — Canada
Primitivism in art — Canada.
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A Compendium of Papers on Evaluation and Methodology / by Allen Herzog and L.R. Denton. Yarmouth : Nova Scotia NewStart Inc., 1971. 300 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HN110 .C32
Includes bibliographical references page 300.
Sociological research — Nova Scotia
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A compleat sic history of the late war in the Netherlands together with an abstract of the Treaty at Utrecht London : Thomas Ward, 1713.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - D283.5 B78 C73
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A complement to Genealogies in the Library of Congress : a bibliography / compiled & edited by Marion J. Kaminkow. Baltimore, Md. : Magna Carta Book Co., 1981. x, 1118 pages ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z5319 U58 1981
Includes index.
Library of Congress. Genealogies in the Library of Congress.
United States — Genealogy — Bibliography — Catalogs
Great Britain — Genealogy — Bibliography — Catalogs.
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A comprehensive disability services strategy for Nova Scotia : final report of the NEEDS project / sponsored by: the Maritime School of Social Work, Dalhousie University, the Metro Resource Centre for Independent Living, the Nova Scotia Disabled Persons Commission. Halifax : The Commission, 1996. xiv, 172 pages : illustrations
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV1559 C2 C65 1996
October 1996. NEEDS = Networking for Effective and Efficient Disability Services.
Maritime School of Social Work
Metro Resource Centre for Independent Living (Halifax-Dartmouth, N.S.)
Nova Scotia. Disabled Persons Commission
NEEDS Project.
Physically handicapped — Services for — Nova Scotia
Handicapped — Services for — Nova Scotia
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A comprehensive outline of the geography & history of Nova-Scotia : from the discovery of America to the sixth year of the reign of Queen Victoria / by John H. Crosskill. Halifax : J.H. Crosskill & Co., 1842. 11 x 16 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 50776 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Geography and history of Nova-Scotia. Tables. Includes preface to 2nd edition--p.1.
Geography — Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia — History.
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A comprehensive outline of the geography & history of Nova-Scotia : from the discovery of America to the sixth year of the reign of Queen Victoria : principally adapted for instructing the youth of Nova-Scotia in the history of their native land / by John H. Crosskill. Halifax : J.H. Crosskill & Co., 1842. 96 pages : maps ; 15 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F100 C88 - Akins
Geography and history of Nova-Scotia. Tables. Includes preface to 2nd edition--p.1.
Geography — Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia — History.
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A comprehensive outline of the geography and history of Nova Scotia : from the discovery of America to the reign of Queen Victoria I : arranged in a peculiar manner, which renders it applicable either as a catechism or a reading book : for schools and pri / by John Crosskill. Halifax : Printed and published for the author, 1838. 76 pages : illustrations, map; 15 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.265 #27 - Vertical File
Caption title: Catechism of the geography and history of Nova Scotia. Tables. Includes advertising matter.
Nova Scotia — History
Geography — Nova Scotia.
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A compressed view of the points to be discussed in treating with the United States of America with an appendix / by the author of American encroachments on British rights i.e. Nathaniel Atcheson. 1814.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm 3703 - Open Shelf
Attributed to Nathaniel Atcheson--National Union Catalog pre-1956 imprints. Dated: London, 2nd March, 1814. At present, amongst European Nations, a Naval Strength ' Appendix: On the conduct of the government of the United States towards the Indian tribes--pages [129-139.
Indians, Treatment of — United States
Great Britain — Foreign relations — United States
United States — Foreign relations — Great Britain.
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A concert given for the relief of sufferers from the recent disaster in Halifax, Nova Scotia ... Boston Symphony Orchestra at Symphony Hall, Boston ... 1917
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.13 #9 - Vertical File
Halifax (N.S.) — History — Explosion, 1917
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A concise summary of the collection laws of the Province of Nova Scotia / by Henry W.C. Boak. Halifax : 1886. 15 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 05831 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Business law — Nova Scotia
Commerical law — Popular works
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A content analysis of student comments on Le Masque de Marie Louise: a program in the Allons-y series / Richard F. Lewis: Kimber Johnston-Doyle. Halifax : Atlantic Institute of Education, 1978. 14, [7] pages; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LB5 A881 R432 #1
French language — Study and Teaching — Nova Scotia
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A copious and critical Latin-English lexicon founded on the larger Latin-German lexicon of Dr. William Freund; with additions and corrections from the lexicons of Gesner, Facciolati, Scheller, Georges, etc / by E.A. Andrews. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1862. xxv, 1663p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PA2635 E5 A56
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A current appraisal of the Irish moss industry / by R.A. Ffrench. Ottawa- : Department of Fisheries, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island : Industrial Development Branch, Fisheries Service, Department of Fisheries and Forestry of Canada, 1970. xi, 230 pages (some folded) : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH391 C5 F33
On cover: Current appraisal, November 1970. Bibliography: pages 226-230. Cover title: The Irish moss industry: Canadian Atlantic. Issued also under title: An economic appraisal of the Irish moss industry. The demand for Canadian seaweeds with special reference to Irish moss, by Rudolph A. Ffrench: [6] pages laid in.
Ffrench, Rudolph Augustus. Economic appraisal of the Irish moss industry
Ffrench, Rudolph Augustus. Irish moss industry
Ffrench, Rudolph Augustus. Demand for Canadian seaweeds with special reference to Irish moss.
Marine algae — Economic aspects — Atlantic Provinces
Chondrus crispus.
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A dedicated doctor / Grade four Petite Riviere Elementary School. Lunenburg Co. : Petite Riviere Publishing, 1993. 32 pages, illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PE1119 D47 1993
Cameron, Clarence Bain (Doctor)
Hache, Jessie.
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A deep water superport with a future: Strait of Canso master plan survey / prepared for the Dept. of Trade and Industry, Province of Nova Scotia by Kaiser Canada. Montreal : Kaiser Canada, 1968. 54 pages: maps, illustrations; 22 x 30 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HE386 C228 K19
Marine terminals — Nova Scotia
Canso, Strait of (N.S.)
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A defence of Mr. Hervey's dialogues, against Mr. Bellamy's Theron, Paulinus and Aspasio / by William Cudworth, who defended the same against Mr. Saniman's letters. Boston : Z. Fowle & S. Draper, 1742. 30 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 C90 - Akins
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A demographic study of the disability rate in Nova Scotia / the Disabled Persons Commission. Halifax : The Commission, 1999. 42 pages : illustrations; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.369 #23 - Vertical File
October 1999.
Nova Scotia. Disabled Persons Commission.
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A description of Prince Edward Island, in the Gulf of St. Laurence, North America : with a map of the island, and a few cursory observations respecting the climate, natural productions, and advantages of its situation, in regard to agriculture and commerc / by a person many years resident there. London : Printed and sold by H. sic Ashby and Son ... and W. Winchester and Son ., 1803 or 1804. 22 pages, [1] folded leaf of plates : map ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F115 C14 C2 - Akins
By John Cambridge. Cf. Dict. of Can. biogr., v. 6, pages 107-110. No bibliographic citations found. Reissue of: A description of the Island of St.John, in the Gulf of St. Laurence, North America ... - London : Printed and solde by R. Ashby ... and
Prince Edward Island — Description and travel — To 1873
Prince Edward Island — Emigration and immigration.
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A description of Prince Edward Island, in the Gulf of St. Laurence, North America : with a map of the island, and a few cursory observations respecting the climate, natural productions, and advantages of its situation, in regard to agriculture and commerc / by a person many years resident there. London : Printed and sold by Robert Ashby and Co. ... and W. Winchester and Son ., 1805. 16 pages, [1] folded leaf of plates : map ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F115 C14 - Akins
By John Cambridge. Cf. Dict. of Can. biogr., v. 6, pages 107-110. Reference: TPL 6820. First edition ([1798] issued under title: A description of the Island of St. John, in the Gulf of St. Laurence, North America (Cf. Gagnon II 628; Sabin 75278 and s
Prince Edward Island — Description and travel — To 1873
Prince Edward Island — Emigration and immigration.
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