Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: B. & H. B. Kent
Canada in the seventeenth century, from the French Montreal : George E. Desbarats & co., 1883. 85 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F5061 B75
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Roberts, Sir Charles George Douglas, 1860-1944
Canada speaks of Britain, and other poems of the war… Toronto : Ryerson press, 1941. 15 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.176 #25 - Vertical File
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Canada under British rule, 1760-1900 / by Sir John G. Bourinot. Cambridge : University Press, 1900. 196 frames : maps
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 03344 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Original issued in series: Cambridge Historical Series edited by G.W. Prothero.
Canada — History — 1867-1914
Canada — History — 1763-1867
Canada — Politics and government — 1763-1867.
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Canada under British rule, 1760-1900 / by Sir John G. Bourinot. Toronto : Copp, Clark, 1901. xi, 346 pages illustrations, maps (part fold.) port. 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5011 B875 - Open Shelf
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Canada upon the seas New York, Montreal : Newcomen Society in North America, 1949. 46 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.55 #28 - Vertical File
2nd ed; abridged, 1969
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Canada, a geographical interpretation / prepared under the auspices of the Canadian Association of Geographers and edited by John Warkentin. Toronto : Methuen, 1968. 608 pages : illustrations, maps
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - G4 C212
Canadian Association of Geographers.
Canada — Description and travel — 1951-1980.
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Brebner, John Bartlet, 1895-1957
Canada, a modern history with a final chapter by Donald C. Masters Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press. 553 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F84 B74
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Canada, and the Canada bill : being an examination of the proposed measure for the future government of Canada ... containing some general views respecting the British provinces in in North America / by John Beverley Robinson. London : J. Hatchard, 1840. 223 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F65 R56 - Akins
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Bonnycastle, Sir Richard Henry
Canada, as it was, is, and may be / by Richard Henry Bonnycastle. London : Colburn & Co., 1852. 2 v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F65 B64a - Akins
Canada — History
Canada — Description and travel.
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Canada, dear home = Canada, douce partrie / words and music by Keith Bissell. Waterloo, Ont. : Waterloo Music Company, 1966. 6 pages : music; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.62 #22 - Vertical File
Words in English and French.
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Canada, its national development and destiny / J.G. Bourinot. 1889. 6 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 06470 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Attributed to J.G. Bourinot -- Wellesley index to Victorian periodicals, 1842-1900.
Natural resources — Canada
Canada — Description and travel — 19th century
Canada — Politics and government — 19th century
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Biuckingham, James Soilk, 1786-1855
Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the other London : Fisher, son & Co. 540 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F70 B85
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Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British provinces in North America : with a plan of national colonization / by James S. Buckingham. London : Fisher, 1843. 540 pages : illustrations, map ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm 3705 - Open Shelf
Includes index. References: Sabin 8895; TPL 2351.
Canada — Emigration and immigration
Canada — Description and travel — 1764-1867.
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Mount Allison University. Summer Institute, 1962
Canada, the Commonwealth and the Common Market; report Montreal McGill University Press, 1962. 142 pages 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - JL27 C734 C973
Cunningham, William Bannerman.
Canada — Foreign economic relations.
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Canada, tomorrow's giant Toronto : Longmans, Green & Co., 1957. 325 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F82 H97 C16
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Bourinot, Sir John George, 1837-1902
Canada. New and rev. ed London : T. Fisher Unwin. 492 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5055 B77 C21 1922 - Open Shelf
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Canada: A People's History / director, Peter Ingles ; producer, Andrew Burnstein ; executive producer Mark Starowicz ; senior producer and director of research, Gene Allen ; editorial director, Louis Martin ; senior producers Gordon Henderson, Hubert Gendron. Wide-screen. Toronto : Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2001. 1 videocassette : 120 minutes.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC161 R43 2001 - Open Shelf
Explains how the struggle for democratic government grew in the expanding colonies of British North America, with the leaders Joseph Howe in Nova Scotia, Louis-Joseph Papineau in Lower Canada and William Lyon Mackenzie in Upper Canada. Relates how the rebellions in the Canadas met with disasterous defeats, but within ten years, self-government was won, due in part to an unexpected alliance between the French and English forces of reform. Closed captioned for the hearing impaired.
Ingles, Peter
Martin, Louis
Starowicz, Mark
Henderson, Gordon S
Gendron, Hubert
Allen, Gene
Huculak, Maggie
Burnstein, Andrew.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Canada — History — Rebellion, 1837-1838
Canada — History — 19th century.
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Leacock, Stephen Butler, 1869-
Canada; the foundations of its future, by Stephen Leacock Montreal : Priv. printed, 1941. 257 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F84 L46 C16
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Canada's aces / by Hugh Kemp ; introduction by C.G. Power. Winnipeg : Contemporary Publishers, c1944. 50 pages : ports.; 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S V/F V.26 #18 - Oversize Vertical File
Cover title. "28 true adventure stories".
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Canada's bishops from 1120 to 1975…from A;;en to Yelle Cleveland : Dillon/Leiderbach, 1975. 64 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.233 #13 - Vertical File
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Canada's Chapel of Remembrance by Ella M. Thorburn and Charlotte Whitton Toronto, British Book Service (Canada), 1961. 68 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.41 #9 - Vertical File
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Canada's Confederation Jubilee, 1867-1927 Ottawa : Ont. : Graphics, 1927. 11 pages : 13 x 17 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.329 #29 - Vertical File
On cover: Signature of J.D. Logan. Cover title.
Catalogs, Publishers' — Canada.
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Canada's first novelist… Toronto, 1921. 10 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.215 #22 - Vertical File
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Canada's fisheries - the quest for prosperity 1977.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.80 #23 - Vertical File
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Canada's flowers : history of the corvettes of Canada / by Thomas G. Lynch. [1982 ed.] Halifax : Nimbus, 1982, 1981. 103 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - D811 L987
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