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Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 126 to 150 of 9111 from your search: B. & H. B. Kent

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: B. & H. B. Kent

Branigan, Keith

A catalogue of named emigrants from the Isle of Barra to British North America : 1772-1851 / Keith Branigan ; CD prepared by Stuart Boutell.  Version 1.00 Sheffield, Eng. : Keith Branigan, 2005. 1 computer optical disc ; 12 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - DA880 H4 B821 2005 disc

Title from screen. Contains the database of names as presented in the appendices of the book From clan to clearance : history and archaeology on the Isle of Barra, c.850-1850 AD [DA 880 H4 B821 2005] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat.

Boutell, Stuart.

Barra Island (Scotland) — History.

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Marble, Allan Everett

A catalogue of published genealogies of Nova Scotia families / Allan E. Marble.  Halifax : Nova Scotia Historical Society, Genealogical Committee , 1979. 59 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.368 #4 - Vertical File

Akins, Thomas B.

A catalogue of the Akins collection of books and pamphlets / Compiled by Shelia I. Stewart, under the direction of D.C. Harvey, archivist. Published by the authority of the Board of Trustees of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia.  Halifax : Imperial Pub. Co., 1933. 206 pages ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F90 N85 AR2P no.1

Stewart, Sheila I.

Canada — Bibliography
Nova Scotia — Bibliography.

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Halifax Garrison Medical Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia

A catalogue of the Halifax Garrison Medical Library 1846.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.12 #18a - Vertical File


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Halifax Garrison Medical Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia

A catalogue of the Halifax Garrison Medical Library 1846.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.12 #18 - Vertical File


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Ralph Pickard Bell Library

A Catalogue of the Winthrop Pickard Bell Collection of Acadiana held in the Ralph Pickard Bell Library, Mount Allison University, Mount Allison University as of November 1, 1986 [2nd ed. Sackville, N.B. : Ralph Pickard Bell Library, 1986. 10 X 15 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche M928 - Open Shelf

Maritime Provinces — Bibliography

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Cramp, J. M.

A catechism of Christian baptism / by J.M. Cramp.  Halifax : Christian Messenger Office, 1866. 90 pages : 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.229 # 17 - Vertical File

Christian Messenger.

Baptists — Catechisms and creeds.

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Bruce, Harry

A century at Central Trust : the story of its growth / Harry Bruce.  Halifax : Nimbus Publishing, 1987. 100 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HG4358 B78 1987

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Clough, Shepard Bancroft

A century of American life insurance : a history of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, 1843-1943 / by Shephard B. Clough.  Westport, Conn : Greenwood Press, 1970, 1946. xiii, 402 pages : illus., facsims., port. ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HG8540 M98 C62

Insurance, Life — United States — History.

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A century of democracy : elections of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, 1905-2005 / by the Legislative Assembly Office and the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer.  Edmonton : Legislative Assembly of Alberta, 2006. vii, 509 pages : illustrations, ports, maps ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC3655 C397 2006 - Open Shelf

Alberta. Legislative Assembly Office;"Alberta.Chief Electoral Officer"

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Ontario. Department of Tourism and Information. Ontario Centennial Planning Branch

A century of fashion Toronto : The Dept., 196-.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.26 #21 - Vertical File

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Elliott, Charles Robert

A century of golden memories : a tribute to William Alexander Solen Elliott on his 100th birthday December 9, 1975 / prepared by Charles Robert Elliott.  Beaverlodge, Alta. : The Author, 1975. 1 v. loose-leaf : illustrations; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.507 #7 - Vertical File


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Howells, William Dean

A chance acquaintance / by W.D. Howells.  Boston : J.R. Osgood, 1873. 155 frames.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 09732 - Open Shelf    Internet Archive

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A characterization of Nova Scotian litter : a litter survey July & August 1998 / presented by Nova Scotia Youth Conservation Corps & Nova Scotia Department of the Environment ; submitted by Benjamin J. Fairbanks.  Halifax : Nova Scotia Youth Conservation Corps, 1998. 52 pages : illustrations, map, forms; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.501 #17 - Vertical File

Binney, Hibbert

A charge delivered at the visitation held in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, at Halifax on the 11th day of October, 1854 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia.  Halifax : W. Gossip, 1854. 32 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1854 - Akins

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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Fredericton. Bishop (1845-1868 : Medley)

A charge delivered in Christ-Church Cathedral, Fredericton : July 4th, 1871, at the triennial visitation / by John, Bishop of Fredericton.  Fredericton, N.B. : H.A. Cropley, 1871.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 M465 - Akins

United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Fredericton. Bishop (1845-1868 : Medley)

A charge delivered in the cathedral of Christ-Church, Fredericton, to the clergy of the diocese assembled at the second triennial visitation of John, bishop of Fredericton / by John Medley.  St. John, N.B. : W.L. Avery, 1850. 63 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 M464 - Akins

Medley, John, 1804-1892.

Visitations, Ecclesiastical — New Brunswick.

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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)

A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in Cathedral Church of St. Luke at Halifax on the 6th day of July 1870 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia.  Halifax : J. Bowes, 1870. 57 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1870 - Akins

Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887.

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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)

A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in Cathedral Church of St. Luke, at Halifax, on the 30th day of June 1874 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia.  Halifax : J. Bowes, 1874. 40 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1874 - Akins

Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887.

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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)

A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke at Halifax on the 3rd day of July 1866 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia.  Halifax : J. Bowes, 1866. 44 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1866 - Akins

Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887.

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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)

A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, at Halifax, on the 20th day of October, 1858 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia.  Halifax : W. Gossip, 1859. 48 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1858 - Akins

Published at the request of the clergy.

Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887
Gossip, W.

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Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887

A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, at Halifax, on the 20th day of October, 1858 … Halifax : William Gossip, 1859. 48 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.46 #15 - Vertical File

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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)

A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, at Halifax, on the 29th day of October, 1862 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia.  Halifax : J. Bowes, 1862. 39 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1862 - Akins

Published at the request of the Diocesan Assembly.

Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887.

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Feild, Edward

A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Newfoundland / by the Bishop, at his second visitation on the feast of St. Matthew, 1847.  1847. 55 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 F79 - Akins

Visitations, Ecclesiastical.

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Inglis, Charles

A charge delivered to the clergy of the Diocese of Nova Scotia at the triennial visitation held in the months of June and August, 1803 / by the Right Reverend Charles Inglis, DD Bishop of Nova Scotia.  2nd ed. Halifax : John Howe, 1804. 56 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 IN4 - Akins

Bound with Steadfastness in religion and loyalty, recommended, in a sermon preached ... 1793.

Visitations, Ecclesiastical — Nova Scotia — Halifax.

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