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Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 276 to 300 of 348 from your search: Atlantic Provinces.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Atlantic Provinces.

Swanick, Eric L.

The Acadiensis index, 1971-1991 / by Eric L. Swanick ; with the assistance of David Frank.  Fredericton N.B. : Acadiensis Press, 1992. iii, 177 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5175 A168 Index - Open Shelf

The Art of interpretation / Parks Canada, Atlantic Region = L'Art de l'interprétation / Parcs Canada, Région de l'Atlantique.  Ottawa : Parks Canada = Parcs Canada, 1985. 34 pages : illustrations; 23 x 30 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.319 #25 - Vertical File

Exhibition of artworks commissioned by Parks Canada, Atlantic Region--Cover. Text in English and French in parallel columns. Public Archives of Nova Scotia, November 29, 1985 - February 28, 1986. QS T215 000 BB A1

Parks Canada. Atlantic Region
Public Archives of Nova Scotia.

National parks and reserves — Interpretive programs — Atlantic Provinces — Audio-visual aids
Historic sites — Interpretive programs — Atlantic Provinces — Audio-visual aids.

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The Atlantic anthology / edited by Fred Cogswell and Terry Whalen.  Toronto : ECW Press, 1985-. 3 v.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PR9198.2 A8 A83 1984

Russell, Franklin

The Atlantic coast / Franklin Russell.  Toronto : N. Natural Science of Canada, ltd., 1970. 160 pages : illus. (part col.), col. maps. ; 25 x 27

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QH106 R963

Atlantic Provinces Economic Council

The Atlantic economy : annual review : summary Halifax : 1967-.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HC117 AT6 AT6

Atlantic Provinces — Economic conditions.

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The Atlantic fisheries dilemma : implementing the Kirby Commission recommendations / edited by Anthony Winson.  Halifax : Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Canada Studies, Saint Mary's University, 1983. 32 pages ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5175 A881 S741 2-1283 - Open Shelf

Gorsebrook Research Institute public forum, March 26, 1983.

Winson, Anthony, 1952-

Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Canada Studies.

Fisheries — Atlantic Provinces.

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The Atlantic Provinces and the problems of Confederation / G. A. Rawlyk, editor.  St. John's, Nfld. : Breakwater, 1979. viii, 382 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5181.5 A879 R261 - Open Shelf

The Atlantic provinces book review Halifax, Saint Mary's University. ill. 42 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S Z1035 A1 A881 - Oversize

The Atlantic Provinces in Canada--where do we go from here? : conference, Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S., July 2-4, 1980 = Les provinces de l'Atlantique dans le Canada--vers quoi nous dirigeons-nous? : conférence , Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S., / editor, J.R. Winter.  Halifax : Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, 1981. 228 pages ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5180.5 A879w - Open Shelf

The Atlantic Provinces in Confederation / edited by E.R. Forbes and D.A. Muise ; L.D McCann, cartographer, Bill Parenteau, picture editor.  Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1993. xii, 628 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5180 F692 A881 - Open Shelf

Atlantic Provinces Library Association. Library Survey Questionnaire Sub-committee

The Atlantic Provinces Library Association Library Survey Questionnaire report : (phase I of the Bibliographic Centre Committee's study into the feasibility of an Atlantic Provinces bibliographic centre) / prepared by the Sub-Committee - B I B C A P.  Halifax : Atlantic Provinces Library Association, 1978. iii, 38 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.298 #16 - Vertical File

Buckner, Phillip A.

The Atlantic Region to Confederation : A History / edited by Phillip A. Buckner and John G. Reid ; Eric Leinberger, cartographer.  Toronto : University of Toronto Press ; Fredericton NB : Acadiensis Press, 1994. xviii, 491 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2011 A88 1994 - Open Shelf

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Reid, John G
Leinberger, Eric

Maritime Provinces — History
Atlantic Canadian — History

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The Business visitor Halifax : Atlantic Progress Publishing, 1999-. ill. ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HF3229 A8 B8

An essential guide to travel in Canada's Atlantic Provinces. Title from cover.

Business travel — Canada — Periodicals
Atlantic Provinces — Description and travel.

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Joyce, Angela

The Canadian east coast fish and seafood : profile for Canadian and international investors / Angela Joyce.  Toronto : Burns Fry , 1988. 23 pages : illustrations, map; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.514 #21 - Vertical File

Fisheries — Economic aspects — Atlantic Provinces.

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Canada. Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

The Canadian Indian : Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces Ottawa : The Department, 1973. 44, 48 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E78 C212

Text in English and French.

First Nations of North America — Québec (Province)
First Nations of North America — Atlantic Provinces.

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The changing face of Atlantic Canada Halifax : Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, 1996-. 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.90 #29 - Vertical File

Atlantic Provinces Economic Council.

Finance, Public — Atlantic Provinces

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Lauwerys, Joseph A.

The changing nature of tertiary education in the Atlantic Provinces / by Joseph Lauwerys.  1974. 18 pages : 1 chart; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.285 #27 - Vertical File

Education, Higher — Atlantic Provinces

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Tomblin, Stephen G.

The Council of Maritime Premiers is it promoting the integration of government services in the Maritimes? / by Stephen G. Tomblin.  Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1980. 131 frames ; 11 X 15 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche T656 - Open Shelf

Atlantic Provinces — Politics and government

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Zinck, John R.

The East Coast ceilidh : a look at Atlantic Canada's music scene / by John R. Zinck ; foreword by Joella Foulds.  Dominion : Vanmarkin Publications, 1998. 75 pages : ports ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - ML394 Z77 1997

The effects monitor Dartmouth : Environment Canada, Atlantic Region, 1994-. 28 cm

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QH541.15 M64 E33

Environmental effects monitoring newsletter for the Atlantic region.

Canada. Environment Canada. Atlantic Region.

Environmental monitoring — Atlantic Provinces — Periodicals

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Port of Halifax Commission

The effects on the Atlantic ports of winter navigation on the St. Lawrence River (and related matters) Halifax : 1963. 2 v. in 1 : diagrs., tables.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S HE554 A3 P839

The Enterprising Canadians : entrepreneurs and economic development in eastern Canada, 1820-1914 : proceedings of the second conference of the Atlantic Canada Shipping Project, March 30-April 1, 1978 / Maritime History Group, Memorial University of Newfoundland ; edited by Lewis R. Fischer, Eric W. Sager.  St. John's : Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1979. 313 pages : illustrations, diagrs., graphs, maps ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5197.2 E61 M342 - Open Shelf

Kert, Faye

The fortunes of war : privateering in Atlantic Canada in the War of 1812 / by Faye Kert.  1986. 183 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E360 K41

Weeks, E. P.

The future of the Atlantic fisheries / E. P. Weeks, L. Mazany.  Montreal, Quebec : Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1983. vii, 112 pages : map ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH224 A881 W395

The History of Atlantic Canada : museum interpretations / edited by Peter E. Rider.  Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1981. vii, 180 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM313 A881 H673

Includes some text in French. At head of title: National Museum of Man. Includes abstracts in French.

Rider, Peter E., 1944-

National Museum of Man (Canada)
National Museum of Man (Canada). History Division
National Museums of Canada.

Historical museums — Atlantic Provinces
Atlantic Provinces — History.

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