Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 201 to 225 of 348 from your search: Atlantic Provinces.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Atlantic Provinces.

Augustine, Stephen J. -1949

Mi'kmaq & Maliseet cultural ancestral material: national collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization / Stephen J. Augustine.  Gatineau, Qu{nonjoin}bec : Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2005. 258 pages: illustrations (chiefly col.); 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E99 M6 A923 2005

Mi'kmaq studies 10 Halifax : Nova Scotia, Education and Culture, 1998. ii, 300 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LB1629.5 C3 M55 1998

Curriculum Guide No. 169--Cover. Curriculum Writers: Jeff Orr, Harold Shaver, Joanne Tompkins--Acknowledgements.

Nova Scotia. Dept. of Education and Culture.

Curricula — Atlantic Provinces
Education — Atlantic Provinces
Mi'kmaq studies — Atlantic Provinces

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Wesleyan Methodist Church of Eastern British America

Minutes of several conversation between the Ministers of the Wesleyan Methodist connexion or church of Eastern British America: at their ninth conference Halifax : T. Chamberlain, 1863. 47 pages 19 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.244 #27 - Vertical File

Church history — 19th century
Atlantic Provinces — Church history

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Rosenberg, Avis Lang

Mirrorings : women artists of the Atlantic Provinces / Avis Lang Rosenberg.  Halifax : At Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent University, 1982. 45 pages : illustrations; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.195 #7 - Vertical File

Miscellaneous historical reports on sites in the Atlantic Provinces Ottawa- : Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, 197--. iv, 265 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #107 - Open Shelf

Moving to Maritimes & Newfoundland Don Mills, ON. : Moving To Publications, 1981-. ill., maps ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5175 M935 - Open Shelf

Mysterious east Fredericton, N.B., Rubber Duck Press, 1969-1972. 21 nos. illus. 28 cm. monthly.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AP5 M99

National parks, national historic parks : 1981 Atlantic Region facilities reference manual Halifax : Parks Canada, 1981. 55 4 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.325 #35 - Vertical File

Canada. Task Force on Atlantic Fisheries

Navigating troubled waters : a new policy for the Atlantic fisheries : highlights and recommendations : report of the Task Force on Atlantic Fisheries / Michael J.L. Kirby, chairman.  Ottawa : The Task Force, 1982. x, 152 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH224 A881 K58

Issued also in French under title: Naviguer dans la tourmente.

Kirby, Michael J., 1941-

Fishery policy — Canada
Fisheries — Atlantic Provinces.

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Network news : forest health & biodiversity / Canadian Forest Service, Atlantic Forestry Centre.  Fredericton, N.B. : The Centre, 1997-. 34 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SD1 N48

Grant, Peter

New Atlantic writing / edited by Peter Grant & Finley Martin.  Charlottetown, P.E.I. : Square Deal Publications, 1975. viii, 92 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8255 N532

Newsletter / Atlantic Canada Institute = Bulletin / l'Institut canadien de l'Atlantique.  Sackville, N.B. : The Institute, 1982-. illustrations; 27 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.260 #3 - Vertical File

Newsletter / Clan MacQuarrie Association of Atlantic Canada.  Hopewell : The Association, 1981. 1 no. ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 M173 - Open Shelf

Newsletter / Maritime History Group.  St. John's : Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1976-. 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5175 M342 - Open Shelf

Resources Exchange Project (N.S.)

Newsletter - Resources Exchange Project Middleton Resources Exchange Project. no. 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HT401 R434

Atlantic Provinces — Social conditions — Periodicals

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Newsletter of the Atlantic Association of Historians Corner Brook, Nfld. : The Association, 1971--. 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S F5000 A88 - Oversize

Lautard, E. Hugh

Occupational differentiation between British and French : in the Atlantic Provinces 1951-1971 / E. Hugh Lautard and Donald J. Loree.  Saint John : University of New Brunswick, 1981. 32-43 pages : 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.123 #21 - Vertical File

Photocoped from Labour in Atlantic Canada, pp. 32-43.

Loree, Donald J.

Occupations and race — Atlantic Provinces
Occupations — Atlantic Provinces — 20th century

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Knight, A. P.

Official report on lobster investigations in Canada for 1918 / A.P. Knight.  Ottawa : Dept. of the Naval Service, Fisheries Branch, 1919. 35 pages : 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.373 #20 - Vertical File

Being the results of investigations carried on under the Biological Board of Canada.

Canada. Fisheries Branch

Lobsters — Atlantic Provinces

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Pedersen, Eigil

Open access study plan: an evaluation with recommendationn / by Eigil Pedersen and Naomi Hersom.  Halifax : Atlantic Institute of Education, 1976. 45 pages; 27 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LE3 A882

Education — Atlantic Provinces — Graduate work

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Pedersen, Eigil

Open access study plan: an evaluation with recommendationn / by Eigil Pedersen and Naomi Hersom.  Halifax : Atlantic Institute of Education, 1981. 45 pages; 27 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LE3 A882 1981

Education — Atlantic Provinces — Graduate work

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Oral history as prime documents : papers given at 1st Atlantic Oral History Conference, Truro, N.S., Oct. 19-21, 1979 / James H. Morrison, editor.  Federation of Nova Scotian Heritage, 1981. 60 pages ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5180.5 F293 - Open Shelf

Our fresh water resources / Committee of Atlantic Environment Ministers.  Halifax : Environment Canada, Inland Waters Directorate, 1982. 34 pages : copies illustrations; 22 x 26 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.240 #28 - Vertical File

Issued also in French under title: Nos ressources en eau douce.

Canada. Inland Waters Directorate
Committee of Atlantic Environment Ministers (Canada)

Freshwater ecology — Atlantic Provinces.

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Outdoor Atlantic Yarmouth : Fundy Group Publications, 1979-. illustrations; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.196 #30 - Vertical File

Andrieux, Jean-Pierre

Over the side : stories from a rum runner's files from Prohibition days in Atlantic Canada and Newfoundland / by J.F. Andrieux.  Lincoln, ON. : W.F. Rannie Publisher, 1984. 132 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV5091 C2 A52 1984

Papers Fredericton- : 1974. 1 v. (various pagings) : map.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5180.5 A879 - Open Shelf

Binder's title. Includes bibliographical references.

Atlantic Provinces — Congresses.

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