Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 26 to 50 of 80 from your search: Alexander, D. W.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Alexander, D. W.

Alexander, J.W.

Geography of the Bible : some account of the countries and places mentioned in holy scriptures / by J.W. Alexander.  London : Religious Tract Society, 1839. 194 pages ; 16 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK BSAL2 - Akins

Religious Tract Society.

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Warburton, Alexander Bannerman, 1852-

History of Prince Edward Island from its discovery in 1534 until1831 Saint John : Barnes & co., limited, printers, 1923. 494 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F115 W21

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Acheson, Thomas William

Industrialization and underdevelopment in the Maritimes, 1880-1930 / T.W. Acheson, David Frank, James D. Frost ; introduction by David Frank.  Toronto : Garamond Press, 1985. 86 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HC117 M3153 1985

Morrison, James Alexander

Kejimkujik National Park : we've held our own : an oral & documentary history of Northern Queens & Southern Annapolis Counties, Nova Scotia / by James Morrison ; with the assistance of L. M. B. Friend.  Ottawa : Parks Canada, 1977. vi, 299 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 27 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #238 - Open Shelf

MacKay, Alexander Howard, 1848-1929

Labrador plants collected by W.H. Prest on the Labrador coast north of Hamilton Inlet, from the 25th of June to the 12th of August, 1901… Halifax : 1902. 2 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.166 #12 - Vertical File

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Alexander, James Edward

L'Acadie, or, Seven years' explorations in British America / by Sir James E. Alexander.  London : H. Colburn, 1849. 2 v. : illustrations, maps ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F28 AL2

Canada — Description and travel.

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Wheeler, Margaret

Lethbridge news 1901-1906, and Lethbridge herald 1905-1918 : a subject and biographical index / compiled under the direction of Margaret Wheeler, editor-in-chief, and Greg Ellis.  Lethbridge, AB. : Archives of the Sir Alexander Galt Museum, 1987. vii, 288 pages ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AI21 L647

Powell, Edward Alexander

Marches of the north; from Cape Breton to the Klondike New York, London, The Century Co., 1931. x, 311 pages front., plates, fold. map 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5020 P882 - Open Shelf

Laidlaw, Alexander Fraser

Maritime co-ops : three articles on the co-operative movement in the Maritime Provinces / by Alex Laidlaw.  Antigonish : Extension Department St. Francis Xavier University,. 23 pages : illustrations; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.253 #2 - Vertical File

Adult education
Cooperative societies — Nova Scotia

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M'Leod, Alexander W.

Methodist ministry defended; or, a reply to the arguments in favour of the divine institution, and the uninterrupted succession of the Episcopacy Halifax : William Cunnabell, 1839. 107p.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - B8 .M22

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Andrews, Ian Alexander

Military aid to the civil power the Cape Breton coal strike of 1909-1910 / by Ian Alexander Andrews.  Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1987. 107 frames : illustrations

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche A566 - Open Shelf

Dennis, William Alexander, 1903-1961

Miller descendants…a biographical and genealogical account of the Miller ancestry in Antigonish and Cape Breton, with portraits 1961. 23 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.90 #27 - Vertical File

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MacKay, Alexander Howard, 1848-

Monograph on the curricula of the public schools of Nova Scotia Halifax : Commissioner public works and mines, King's printer, 1914. 30 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LBM19 M75

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Stirling, Alexander Humphrys-Alexander

Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other measures resorted to by the British government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights : also a genealogical account of the family of Alexan / written by himself.  Edinburgh : J. Walker, 1836. 176, 77, (26) pages, [2] pages of plates (1 folded)

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F100 ST5 - Akins

The author claimed the earldom of Stirling as lineal descendant, and heir of Sir Wm. Alexander, first Earl of Stirling.--TPL 1974. An historical view of the province of Nova Scotia, and other territories in America, and account of the grants of th Lockhart, Ephraim. Stirling peerage claim.!!Nova Scotia – History – To 1784. AK F 100 ST5b Akins Banks, Thomas C. An analytical statement of the case of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan, &c. &c. &c. : containing an explanation of his official dignities, and peculiar territorial rights and privileges in the British colonies of Nova Scotia and Canada, &c.&c. and a by Thomas C. Banks. London : J. Cochrane, 1832. xlix, 123 p., [4] folded leaves of plates : 3 fold Stirling peerage claim. AK F 100 ST5h Akins Stirling, Alexander Humphrys-Alexander, Report of the trial of Alexander Humphreys or Alexander, claiming the title of Earl of Stirling, before the High court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, for the crime of forgery : with an appendix, containing the whole documentary evidence / by Archibald Swinton. Edinburgh : T. Clark, 1839. [1], xxiv, 356, cviii p., [1] folded leaf of plate Swinton, Archibald, 1812-1890. Scotland. High Court of Justiciary. AK F 100 T83 Akins Tupper, Charles, Prohibition and anti-prohibition being a series of letters / written by the Rev. Charles Tupper... in favor of prohibition and replies to the same, by John Bent. St. John, N.B. : Barnes & Co., 1856. 40 pages ; 8 cm. Bent, John. Liquor laws – Nova Scotia.!!Temperance. AK F 100 T84 Akins Tupper, Charles Speech delivered by the Hon. Provincial Secretary, Dr. Tupper in the constitutional debate : House of Assembly, March 20, 1858. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n.], 1858. 16 pages ; 10 cm. Nova Scotia – History – 1713-1867. AK F 100 W69 Akins Wilson, John, A genuine narrative of the transactions in Nova Scotia, : since the settlement, June 1749, till August the 5th, 1751; in which the nature, soil, and produce of the country are related, with the particular attempts of the Indians to disturb the colony / by John Wilson. London : printed and sold by A. Henderson, J. Fox, B. Tovey, Westminster-Hall; J. Robinson, Ludgate-Street; J. James, and H. Cook, at the Royal-Exchange, [1751] 18 pages ; 18 cm. At foot of title: Price Sixpence. At head of title: Address'd to the merchants of London. Nova Scotia – Description and travel – To 1784.!!Halifax [N.S.] – Description and travel.!!Canada – History – To 1763 New France . AK F 100 Y8 Akins Young, George Renny, Letters to the Rt. Hon. Lord Stanley, H.M. Secretary of state for the colonies : and opinion, shewing that the proposed repeal of the union existing between the island of Cape Breton and Nova-Scotia, would be unconstitutional ; as well as inexpedient when Halifax, N.S. : R. Nugent, 1842. 14 pages ; 10 cm. Nova Scotia – History – 1713-1867.!!Cape Breton Island N.S. – History. AK F 105 EL2 Akins Elector. A letter to the electors of the county of Hants, in which the causes that led to the Hon. J. Howe's abandonment of repeal are explained and put in their true light / by an elector. [Nova Scotia : s.n., 1869?] 13 pages ; 22 cm. Elector.!!Howe, Joseph, 1804-1873. Letters to the electors of the county of Hants. Hants N.S. British North America Act, 1867.!!Confederation.!!Canada – Politics and government – 1867-1896.!!Nova Scotia – Politics and government – 1867-1914. AK F 105 ES8 Akins Estimate of the expenditure of the province of Nova Scotia for the year 1879. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1879?] 13 pages ; 10 cm. Title page missing. Finance – Nova Scotia. AK F 105 F46E Akins Fielding, William Stevens, Election returns. Halifax, N.S. : Queen's Printer, 1886. 21 pages : tables ; 22 cm. Title from caption. Elections – Nova Scotia. AK F 105 H55 Akins Hill, Philip Carteret, The local government : address of Hon. P.C. Hill to the people of Nova Scotia ; the work of four years reviewed. Halifax, N.S. : [s.n.], 1882. [3] leaves ; 22 x 32 cm. Photocopy of a newspaper article. Nova Scotia – Politics and government – 1867- AK F 105 H83LE Akins Howe, Joseph, Letter from Hon. Joseph Howe, to the electors of the county of Hants. [Nova Scotia : s.n.], 1872. 4 pages ; 23 cm. Title from caption. Dated July 22, 1872. Nova Scotia – Politics and government – 1867-!!Hants N.S. : County – Politics and government. AK F 105 L56 Akins Letter to Mr. Matthew H. Richey against reviving a reign of corruption and establishing a policy of protection / [an elector]. Halifax, N.S. : [s.n.], 1878. 20 pages ; 22 cm. Signed: An elector. Richey, Matthew Henry, 1828-1911. Nova Scotia – Politics and government – 1867- AK F 105 L69 Akins A list and description of farms and lands for sale in the province of Nova Scotia. [Halifax, N.S.] : H.W. Blackdar, 1872. 47 pages ; 20 cm. Agriculture – Nova Scotia.!!Farms – Nova Scotia. AK F 105 M14 Akins MacDonnell, S. Electors of Inverness. Port Hood, N.S. : S. MacDonnell, 1871. 12 pages ; 19 cm. Dated January 17th, 1871. Title from caption. Nova Scotia – Politics and government – 1867- AK F 105 N85 Akins Nova Scotia Commissioner of Works. Report of the Commissioner of Works for the province of Nova Scotia, for the year 1871. Halifax, N.S. : Citizen publishing Co., 1872. 12 pages ; 20 cm. Nova Scotia – Public works. AK F 105 T38 Akins Thomson, James. To the electors of the county of Halifax / James Thomson. Halifax, N.S. : [s.n.], 1878. 4 pages ; 23 cm. Dated July 19, 1878. Title from caption. Elections – Nova Scotia.!!Nova Scotia – Politics and government – 1867- AK F 105 T83 Akins Tupper, Charles, Speech of Hon. Dr. Tupper, C.B., delivered at Sydney, N.S., July 17, 1878. [Sydney, N.S.? : s.n.], 1878. 36 pages ; 22 cm. Nova Scotia – Politics and government. AK F 106 C83 Akins Nova Scotia. Legislature. County incorporations : chapter 56 of revised statutes, fifth series. Halifax, N.S. : Commissioner of Public Works and Mines, 1884. 32 pages ; 22 cm. Nova Scotia – Politics and government – 1867- AK F 106 H13e Akins Halifax N.S. : County Election Card. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1874]. 1 leaf ; 20 cm. Signed by P.C. Hill, Edward Farrell, Donald Archibald. Dated November 29, 1874. Halifax N.S. : County – Politics and government. AK F 106 H13m Akins Halifax N.S. : County. Council of the Municipality. Semi-annual meeting of the Municipal Council of the county of Halifax : May 1881. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n.], 1881. [61]-108 pages ; 21 cm. Title page missing. Halifax N.S. : County – Politics and government. AK F 106 H19 Akins Hants, West. Municipal Council. Rules of order and by-laws of the Municipality of West Hants : passed at the semi-annual meeting held at Windsor, May, 1886 : approved by the Governor in Council, 12th July, 1886. Windsor, N.S. : J.J. Anslow, 1886. 18 pages ; 19 cm. Nova Scotia – Politics and government. AK F 106 N85 1854 Akins Nova Scotia. Legislature. An act for the municipal government of counties : March 28, 1854. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n.], 1854. 22 pages ; 21 cm. Title page missing. Title from caption. Municipal government – Nova Scotia. AK F 106 N85 1855 Akins Nova Scotia. Legislature. An act for the municipal government of counties. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n.], 1855. 34 pages ; 20 cm. Passed the 31st day of March, 1855. Municipal government – Nova Scotia. AK F 106 N85l Akins Nova Scotia. Legislature. An act for the better equalizing the elective franchise in certain counties. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 18--] 8 pages ; 20 cm. Nova Scotia – Politics and government. AK F 107 AK5 Akins Akins, Thomas B., Prize essay on the history of the settlement of Halifax, at the Mechanics' Institute, on 18th April, 1839 / by Thomas Beamish Akins. Halifax, N.S. : Printed by English and Blackadar, 1847. 62 pages ; 13 cm. English & Blackadar.!!Halifax N.S.. Mechanics' Institute. Halifax N.S. – History. AK F 107 H 13ca Akins Celebration of the centenery [sic] anniversary of the settlement of the city of Halifax, June 8th, 1849. Halifax, N.S. : W. Cunnabell, 1850. 12 pages ; 21 cm. Caption title. Includes an oration by Beamish Murdoch and a poem by Joseph Howe. Howe, Joseph, 1804-1873.!!Murdoch, Beamish, 1800?-1876. Cunnabell, W. Halifax, N.S. Halifax N.S. – Centennial celebrations, etc. AK F 107 H 13el 1885 Akins Mackintosh, J. C. [Letter to the electors of the city of Halifax asking for election to the position of mayor] 1885 / J.C. Mackintosh. Halifax, N.S. ; [s.n.], 1885. 1 leaf ; 24 cm. Local elections – Nova Scotia – Halifax!!Halifax N.S. – Mayors AK F 107 H13aa Akins Nova Scotia. An act to alter and amend the act concerning the city of Halifax. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1857]. 8 pages ; 21 cm. Title from caption. Passed May 1, 1857. Cities and towns – Nova Scotia.!!Halifax N.S. – Politics and government. AK F 107 H13ac Akins Nova Scotia. An act to consolidate the acts respecting the incorporation of the city of Halifax. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1848]. 41 pages : 23 cm. Title from caption. Passed April 11, 1848. Cities and towns – Nova Scotia.!!Halifax N.S. – Politics and government. AK F 107 H13al Akins Halifax N.S. Aldermen for attendance at police office, 1854-1855. [Haifax, N.S. : James S. Clarke, City Clerk, 1855]. 1 leaf ; 18 x 15 cm. Title from caption. City councilmen – Nova Scotia – Halifax.!!Halifax N.S. – Politics and government. AK F 107 H13el 1888w Akins Wylde, John T. [Letter to the electors of the city of Halifax asking for election to the position of mayor] 1888 / John T. Wylde. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1888] [2] pages ; 19 cm. Local elections – Nova Scotia – Halifax!!Halifax N.S. – Mayors. AK F 107 H13f Akins Fyshe, Thomas, Letters on municipal taxation / by Thomas Fyshe. Halifax, N.S. : A. & W. MacKinlay, 1880. 27 pages ; 22 cm. The letters first appeared in the Halifax Morning chronicle. A. & W. MacKinlay Firm Taxation – Nova Scotia – Halifax AK F 107 H13g 1832 Akins To the honourable House of Representatives of the province of Nova Scotia, in general assembly now convened : the petition of the subscribers the grocers of the town of Halifax. [Halifax, N.S. : J.S. Cunnabell, 1832]. 3 pages ; 26 cm. Title from caption. Dated February 4, 1832. Nova Scotia – Politics and government. AK F 107 H13h 1853 Akins Halifax N.S. An ordinance of the city of Halifax : passed 1853. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1853]. 6 pages ; 21 cm. Title from caption. Halifax N.S. – Politics and government. AK F 107 H13i 1859 Akins Halifax N.S.. Office of the City Clerk. Revised satutes, Chapter 99, for the information of fire wards : January 24, 1859. [Halifax, N.S. : James S. Clarke, 1859]. [7] pages ; 20 cm. Title from caption. Halifax N.S. – Politics and government. AK F 107 H13k Akins Keefer, Thomas Coltrin, Report of T.C. Keefer, C.E., upon the proposal to conduct water from the Spruce Hill Lakes. Ottawa : T.C. Keefer, 1866. [75]-85 pages ; 19 cm. Dated Sept. 25, 1866. Halifax N.S. – Water-supply. AK F 107 H13r Akins Halifax N.S.. City Council. Rules and regulations of the council of the city of Halifax. [Halifax, N.S.] : Gossip & Coade, 1842. 7 pages ; 21 cm. Nova Scotia – Politics and government. AK F 107 H13se 1876 Akins Keating, Edward Henry, A scheme of sewerage for the City of Halifax, N.S. / prepared by the City Engineer, by order of the Board of Works, under the authority of the City Council, 1876. Halifax, N.S. : Blackadar, 1876. 19 pages : table ; 22 cm. Report signed: E.H. Keating. Halifax N.S.. City Engineer's Office. Sewage disposal – Nova Scotia – Halifax.!!Halifax N.S. – Sewerage. AK F 107 H13t Akins Halifax N.S. A supplement containing the ordinances, of the city of Halifax, N.S. passed since 1851 and the recent provincial acts concerning the city. Halifax [N.S.] : English and Blackadar, 1854. 47 pages ; 21 cm. Includes index. English & Blackadar. Halifax N.S. – Politics and government. AK F 107 H13w Akins Halifax N.S. Rules and regulations for the establishment and government of a watch and patrol in the town of Halifax. Halifax [N.S.] : Printed by Edmund Ward, 1818. 12 pages ; 21 cm. Ward, E. Police – Nova Scotia – Halifax AK F 107 H13wa Akins Laurie, James. Report on the Halifax water works. by James Laurie. Halifax, N.S. : Office of the City Clerk, 1860. 19 pages ; 21 cm. Halifax N.S. – Water-supply. AK F 107 M51 Akins Memorial of the citizens of Halifax and of the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Halifax, setting forth the necessity of making Halifax the winter port of Canada. [Halifax, N.S.] : J. Bowes & Sons, printers, [1881?] 16 pages ; 23 cm. Cover title. Signed pages 10: Stephen Tobin, mayor of Halifax; John Doull, president, Halifax Chamber of Commerce; W.C. Silver, chairman, Citizens' Committee; J.C. Mackintosh, secretary, Citizens' Committee. To His Excellency the Right Honorable

Bowes (J.) & Sons
Canada. Governor General (1878-1883 : Lorne)
Halifax Chamber of Commerce.

Harbors — Nova Scotia — Halifax.

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Spotswood, Alexander, 1676 - 1740

Official letters now first printed Richmond : The Society, 1882.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F37.14 Sp6 L56 - Open Shelf

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Muir, Alexander

Our home, our land, our Canada / by Alexander Muir and Victor Cowley.  Toronto, Ont. : G. V. Thompson, c1964. 1 score 5 pages : 31 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S V/F V.26 #5 - Oversize Vertical File

for unspecified voice and piano. Caption title. Words also printed separately. "Tune: The maple leaf forever"--Cover. "The prize winning song Maple leaf song contest, sponsored by Canadian Authors Association"--Cover. Includes biographical material a

Cowley, Victor, 1918-

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Hart, Alexander W. McLeod

Parson Brown, his talk or, Evenings with Parson Brown / by an old acquaintance.  Charlottetown, P.E.I. : Nonpareil Print Office, 1878. 88 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 B81 - Akins

Bible stories, English.

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MacKay, Alexander Howard, 1848-1929

Phenological observations in Canada. - Repr. From the Canadian Record of Science, V. VIII, no. 2, 1899 1899. pages 71-84.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.145 #25a - Vertical File

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Stuart, George W.

Plea for a government assay office / by George W. Stuart; Technical education, by Alexander McNeil, together with remarks by members at the annual meeting of the Mining Society of N.S. held at Halifax, April 10th, 1901.  Halifax : Mining Society of Nova Scotia, 1901. 30 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.144 #16 - Vertical File

Mines and mineral resources — Nova Scotia

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Ewing, Alexander

Practical astronomy Edinburgh : Peter Hill, 1797. 268, 143 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTAs8 Ew5

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Brown, Alexander Crosby

Preliminary list of Maritime collections in North America….with the cooperation of the Mariners' museum, Newport News, Virginia 1950. 57 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.151 #23 - Vertical File

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Mackay, Alexander Howard

Presidential address - From the Proceedings of the Nova Scotia Institute of Science, vol. 10, session 1900-1901 pages 53-57.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.335 #34 - Vertical File

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Matheson, William Alexander, 1932-

Prime Minister and the Cabinet Toronto : Methuen, 1976. 246 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - JL97 M427

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Pincombe, C. Alexander

RESURGO : the history of Moncton / by C. Alexander Pincombe and Edward W. Larracey.  Moncton, N.B. : City of Moncton, 1990-1991. 2 v. : illustrations, portraits ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2499 M6 P6 1990 - Open Shelf

Volume 1. The history of Moncton from its beginning to incorporation as a city in 1890 - v. 2. The history of Moncton from 1890-1990. Volume 2 by Edward W. Larracey.

Larracey, Edward W. (Edward William), 1916-

Moncton (N.B.)

Moncton (N.B.) — History.

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Adam, Alexander

Roman antiquities : or, An account of the manners and customs of the Romans .. / with numerous notes, and improved indices, by James Boyd .  8th New York ed... New York, W.E. Dean, 1842. xii, 439 pages, front, (plan.) illus., 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - DGAD1

Rome — Antiquities

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