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Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 1 to 17 of 17 from your search: Acadians — Social life and customs.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Acadians — Social life and customs.

Coleman, Margaret

Acadian social life / by Margaret Coleman.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1968. 53 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #80 - Open Shelf

Chiasson, Anselme

Chéticamp : histoire et traditions acadiennes / Anselme Chiasson ; préf. de Luc Lacourcière.  3rd ed. Moncton, N.B. : Editions des Aboiteaux, 1972. 317 pages, [16] pages of plates : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 C526 C53 1972 - Open Shelf

Chiasson, Anselme

Cheticamp : history and Acadian traditions / Anselme Chiasson ; translated by Jean Doris Le Blanc.  Wreck Cove : Breton Books, 1998. xi, 275 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2349 C43 C4413 1998 - Open Shelf

Doucet, Paul

Coutumes, croyances et religion populaire Moncton, N.B. : Éditions d'Acadie, 1979. 40 pages : illustrations ; 22 x 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5060.2 V656 #1 - Open Shelf

Acadians — Social life and customs
Acadians — Religion

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LeBlanc, J.P.

De Port Royal au Village-des-LeBlanc : a family history / J. P. LeBlanc.  3rd. ed. Halifax : 1994. 152 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 L445 L445 1994 - Open Shelf

Text in English and French.

Acadians — Social life and customs.

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Deveau, J. Alphonse

Diary of Cecile Murat : a story of Saint Mary's Bay from 1795 to 1825 / by J. Alphonse Deveau.  Salmon River : 1970. 32 pages : 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.530 #6 - Vertical File

Dupont, Jean-Claude

Héritage d'Acadie / Jean-Claude Dupont.  Montréal : Leméac, 1977. 376 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5060 D938 - Open Shelf

Acadia — Social life and customs.

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Dupont, Jean-Claude

Histoire populaire de l'Acadie / Jean-Claude Dupont.  Montréal : Leméac, 1979, 1978. 440 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5029.5 D938 - Open Shelf

Chiasson, Anselme

History and Acadian traditions of Chéticamp / Anselme Chiasson ; translated from the third edition (Moncton : Éditions des Aboiteaux, 1972) by Jean Doris Le Blanc.  St. John's, Nfld. : Breakwater Books, 1986. 316 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 C526 C532 - Open Shelf

Chéticamp, history and Acadian traditions.

Acadians — Nova Scotia — Chéticamp — Social life and customs
Chéticamp (N.S.) — History.

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Deveau, J. Alphonse

Notre héritage acadien / par J. Alphonse Deveau.  Pointe de l'Eglise, N.-E. : 1979-1983. 2 v. (442 pages) : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5060 D489 N914 - Open Shelf

Acadians — History
Acadians — Social life and customs
Acadia — History.

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Preliminary report on source material re Acadians before 1755 : for Education Media Services / compiled by J. Alphonse Deveau.  Halifax- : 1980-. 1 v. (loose-leaf) : illustrations ; 30 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2043 P74 - Open Shelf

Vanderlinden, Jacques

Se marier en Acadie française : XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles / Jacques Vanderlinden.  Moncton : Éditions d'Acadie : Université de Moncton, Chaire d'études acadiennes, 1998. 264 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HQ1017 V36 1998

Clark, Virginia

Settlers of Nova Scotia / by Virginia Clark.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1971. 187 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm 3733 - Open Shelf

Rushton, William Faulkner

The Cajuns : from Acadia to Louisiana / William Faulkner Ruston.  New York : Farrar Straus Giroux, 1979. x, 342 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F380 A2 R954

Eaton, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton

The history of Kings County, Nova Scotia, heart of the Acadian land : giving a sketch of the French and their expulsion and a history of the New England planters who came in their stead, with many genealogies, 1604-1910 / by Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton.  Belleville, ON. : Mika Studio, 1972. xii, 898 pages ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Reference - Open Shelf

Reprint. Originally published: Salem, Mass. : Salem Press, 1910.

Kings (N.S. : County) — History
Kings (N.S. : County) — Genealogy
Kings (N.S. : County) — Social life and customs.

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Eaton, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton

The history of Kings County, Nova Scotia, heart of the Acadian land : giving a sketch of the French and their expulsion, and a history of the New England planters who came in their stead with many genealogies 1604-1910 / by Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton.  Salem, Mass. : Salem Press Co., 1910. xii, 898 pages ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F106 K6 EA8 - Open Shelf

Deveau, J. Alphonse

Two beginnings : a brief Acadian history / by J. Alphonse Deveau.  Yarmouth : Lescarbot Press = Editions Lescarbot, 1980. 76 pages : map ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5060 D489 - Open Shelf

This work is a translated summary of a two-part volume entitled Notre héritage acadien to be published in August 1980.--T.pages verso.

Deveau, J. Alphonse, 1917- Notre héritage acadien.

Acadians — Social life and customs
Acadians — History
Acadia — History.

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