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Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Explosions — Nova Scotia — Halifax — History

Maybee, Janet

Aftershock : the Halifax Explosion and the Persecution of Pilot Francis Mackey / Janet Maybee.  Halifax : Nimbus Publishing, 2015. xxii, 130 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2346.4 A38 2015 - Open Shelf

On December 6, 1917, harbour pilot Francis Mackey was guiding Mont Blanc, a French munitions ship, into Bedford Basin to join a convoy across the Atlantic when it was rammed by Belgian Relief vessel Imo. The resulting massive explosion destroyed Halifax's north end and left at least two thousand people dead, including pilot William Hayes aboard Imo. Who was to blame? Federal government and naval officials found in Pilot Mackey a convenient target for public anger. Charged with manslaughter, he was imprisoned, villainized in the press, and denied his pilot's license even after the charges were dropped. A century later he is still unfairly linked to the tragedy. Through interviews with Mackey's relatives, transcripts, letters, and newly exposed government documents, author Janet Maybee explores the circumstances leading up to the Halifax Explosion, the question of fault, and the impact on the pilot and his family of the unjust, deliberate persecution that followed.

Mackey, Francis Halifax Explosion, Halifax, N.S., 1917
Explosions — Nova Scotia — Halifax — History
Halifax (N.S.) — History

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MacCara, Mary E.

Dispensing Aid : Druggists and the Halifax Explosion / Mary E. MacCara.  Tantallon : Glen Margaret Publishing, 2017. x, 116 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - RS676 C32 H17 2017

Pharmacists gave first aid to the injured who came to drugs stores seeking care almost immediately following one of the worst disasters in Canadian history, the Halifax Explosion. ispensing Aid tells the stories of these druggists, the care they provided, the narrow escapes and the unexpected roles they played. The common medications of a hundred years ago are identified and their usage described, using actual cases from doctors' records. A unique perspective of an unforgettable time in Halifax's history. Mary MacCara is a pharmacist who recently retired from a 34-year career as a faculty member of the Dalhousie University College of Pharmacy. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Halifax Explosion, Halifax, N.S., 1917
Explosions > Nova Scotia > Halifax
Pharmacists > Nova Scotia > Halifax > Biography
Pharmacy > Nova Scotia > History > 20th century
Disaster medicine > Nova Scotia > Halifax > History > 20th century
Disaster relief > Nova Scotia > Halifax > History > 20th century
Disasters > Nova Scotia > Halifax > Medical aspects > History > 20th century
Drugs > Nova Scotia > History > 20th century
Medical supplies > Nova Scotia > History > 20th century
Medical care > Nova Scotia > Halifax > History > 20th century

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