Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 155

Wishes the honest men, even if they had no previous dealings with W., to give a preference to these goods and so assist the family. "I hope my recommend’n will be of some weight amongst you in an Affair so Reasonable & which concerns Christian Charity."

Mascarene to des Enclaves.1

Returns answer by bearer of the letter sent. Des E.'s correspondence agreeable to M., as long as the missionaries observe the government regulations, which des E. concedes they should. They will not be hindered in the exercise of their spiritual duties, "but when they shall pretend to require or to Settle themselves by any other Authority than what derives from the King of Great Britain" they will injure not only themselves but those who support them in their unwarrantable proceedings. Has referred "Monsr Lobarett" to his (M.'s) letters to des E. for information on this point: wishes des E. to communicate them to de la Goudalie "if he comes to your parts before he reaches these, that those Messieurs" may not make any mistakes. Affairs in Europe are much embroiled. In case of a rupture between G. B. and France, missionaries will fall under suspicion and must conduct themselves well.

Sept. 5.

Mascarene to the Deputies of Piziquid.

On petition of Charles Boudrot and his wife Marie Rivet, M. sends power to summons Etienne Rivet and Réné Landry to appear here at the time mentioned. Refusal to obey will be considered rebellion and treated accordingly, Deputies are to assist government in preserving order. Mentions this specially at this time, as some of the habitans seem to defy all government. Order to be sent to all districts.
P. M.

1. Printed N.S. Archives p. 113.

Sept. 11.


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