Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1713-1717. |
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By Shirreff's arrival, has Clark's of Aug. 15, as also that of July 12, by Walters. "As I am at this time Indisposed," will only assure Clark he will do all in his power to settle accounts. Encloses Prendergast's first bill to be forwarded for payment with the rest. Next vessel will bring the second and third bills. "I shall Write to Mr Carpenter my freind to Enquire for Your Correspondt Mr Loyd, and to Speak with him on my Affairs." Orders "two Pipes of good Green Wine one Hogshead of Rum two pound of Pepper two Boxes of Candles one of Soap one Barrell of Butter and one of Sugar with a Dozn Nutmeggs"
1716 |
C. "favoured with Yours" by Shirreff: thanks him for his "Care of Us here wch I hope will in some Measure Putt a Stopp to such Pernitious Proceedings."
Acknowledges receipt of letter of July 12: each species answers to invoice. Did not expect them so soon: encloses bills dated Sept. 1, so that agent may have less excuse for deferring payment. As to not sending rest of provision's now, Caulfeild thinks his reasons good and leaves the affair in his (Clark's) management.
Favored with M’'s of Nov. 4, by Jno. Harrison, with enclosure from "my oId acquaintance and Very good ffriend Majr Rapin whose health, happiness and good fortune, in all respects I heartily congratulate." Sends letter for Rapin to be forwarded when opportunity offers.
(initialed.) T : C :
1. Gen. Carpenter, married to Caulfeild's aunt. 2. No direction; addresses conjectural: the "Pernitious Proceedings" probably the agents' rascality. 3. Addressee conjectured: no direction. 4. Direction reads "To Maj." Mascarene.
Dec. 24. Annapolis. |