Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  242  Nova Scotia Archives.

have been built without leave and since the King has been in possession of the seignory, in order that those who have transgressed may compound and the King get his rights.

8. Mr. Bellhumeur will ascertain the value of the land which belongs to Joseph Dugas and since escheated to the Crown, or what it might be worth if farmed out; and give his opinion.

9. He will also inform himself if there is any habitan of good standing who would like to farm the King's rents and annual dues for the districts of Minas and Cobequid, and what should be given per annum; in order that it may be decided, upon the advice which he may give, if it is to the King's interest to farm it as a whole rather than [paper decayed]

Annapolis, May 27, 1740.
Paul Mascarene

Commission of Baptiste Maufils. [306

Preamble refers to M.'s appointment by Armstrong, dated Dec. 28, 1737; commission states that M. should assist only F. Mangeant, Receiver of the King's Rents, who is out of the province. M. not only to continue in his employ as constable, in conformity with the proclamation of March 24. "last," but to be aiding and assisting the Deputies and all others employed by Govt. in that part of the province, in the lawful execution of their said office: and as the case may at any tIme require, to command in the King's name his subjects residing in these parts to give their assistance for the preservation of the peace and the promotion of H. M. service.

Annapolis, June, 1740.
P : Mascarene

Proclamation Regarding Romish Priests. [307

Preamble states that several missionary priests have "Encroached Upon the Allowance Given to the French


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