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Nova Scotia Archives. |
& Expense" that the injured persons thereby sustain. As a preventive measure, three of the Deputies and two of the "Ancient" inhabitants' are to inspect the dykes every spring and fall, and direct repairs. The owners of such unruly cattle as break through or jump over the fences declared good by the commission, must dispose of them; or be under the same penalties as those who do not keep their dykes in repair.
Annapolis, Ap. 17, 1735.
(signed.) L. Armstrong.
Order for Repairing Road between Minas and Piziquid. |
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Road "is become bad by severall runs of water."1 People cannot travel except with much difficulty; and have requested that it be amended. Ordered to repair it, or make another alongside properly drained by the channels in the old one. Minas to furnish half the necessary men and Piziquid the other.
Annapolis, Ap. 24, 1735.
(signed.) L. Armstrong.
Translation of foregoing into French [136]
Order to View a Road in Dispute. |
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Preamble refers to Order of Council of same date, regarding dispute between Réné Blanchard, plaintiff, vs. Antoine Celestine and Claude Babin, defendants. Deputies ordered to choose "four Ancient Indifferent Inhabitants," to inspect the land in dispute, draw a plan of it and report to the Governor- in-council.
Annapolis, Ap. 26, 1735.
(signed.) Wm Shirreff, Sec.y
1. French trans. “Inundations.” 2. In the clerk's hand.