Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  44  Nova Scotia Archives.
The ffrench Memorial about sowing their Seed advised

     Honourable L.t Governor having Acquainted ye Board that the Deputees of this River had presented him with a Memo. 1 in behalf of themselves & the Rest of the Inhabitants about Sowing their Land this Year, and they having produced a paper dated the 10th of Ap.r 1721 which being his Excelly the Governour's Answer to the Said Deputees on the Same Occasion at that time


Resolved That the Same Answer given by his Excellency may be Confirmed by the Honourable L.t Governor as an Answer to their present Petition, Except in Reference to the Paragraph Concerning the Marches, which parlicular, his Excellencys Proclamation bearing Date the 14th of Sep.r 1722 is to be observed and followed by the Said Inhabitants At [63]

     At a Council held at the Honourable L.t Governor John Doucets house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on fryday the 15th of March 1722/3

Present The Honourable Lievt Governor President
Major Paul Mascarene
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq
Peter Boudre Esq

The Honourable L.t Governor upon the Good News that Arrived here in the printed Papers of his Majestys having Discovered a most Horrid Bloody Crule and most Barbarous Inhumain Conspiracy 1 formed against his Sacred Person & Government proposed a Day of Publick Thanksgiving for y.1 Great Mercy V ouchsafed to his Majesty & Kingdoms of Great Britain &ce And Iikewise humbly to Address His Majesty thereon
Proclamation to Set apart a day of thanksgiving for Discovery of the treason form'd against his Majesty

     Resolved That Thu:n!day Next Ensuing being the 21st Ins.t be Sett apart for that Use and that a Proclamation forebiding all Servil Labour be Issued out by Honourable L.t Governor for the more Solemn Observation of that Day

1. The last attempt against the throne of Geo. I. See Dict. Nat. Biog. S.v. George I. And Atterbury.


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