Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 169

     Then a Motion was made by the Honble Livt Governor Cosby That the Inhabitants here be admitted to take the to take the Oath of Allegiance to his most sacred Majesty King George the 2.d upon their Requiring the Same of any Member of the Board; Agreed & Resolv'd that the Said Motion Shall pass on Condition that the Said Inhabitants be sworn at the Livt Governor's or Commander in Chief of the province's House.
the Inhabitants ought to take the oath of allegiance.

     A Letter from Monsr St Ovide to Governor Armstrongs Notifying the Seizure of the Sloop in Newfoundland by the Savages, & other matters Relating to this Province, Read & Resolv'd That a Copy thereof be Sent home to his Majestys Principal Secretary of State & to the Lords Commissrs of Trade & Plantations
Letter from Mons.r St. Ovide relating the Seizure of a Sloop by the Savages of Newfoundland.

     A Letter in Answer to Monsr S.t Ovide's from the Honble Livt Governor Armstrong Read & Approved of

     A Letter to Governor Dummer in answer to his Read in Council the 2d Instant, Read & approved of [232]

     Then a Congratulatory Address to His most Sacred Majesty King George the 2.d on his accession to the Throne was Read & approv'd of, Orderd to be Ingross'd, Subscribed & Sent home by Captain Joseph Bennitt a Member of this Board

     NOTE. — The next entry in chronological order comes at the end of the book, which was turned about and the last blank leaf used as if it were the first, beginning a new book. It deals with Philipps's arrival on Nov, 20, 1729. Twenty-three pages follow this order, and then minutes are resumed at fol. 232. These twenty-three pages are indexed separately on the obverse of the fly leaf preceding, with the heading, "Index for this Side of the Book." — [EDITOR.
Letter to Congratulate his Majestys accession to the throne.


Annapolis Royall
November 20th 1729

     His Excellency being that Day arriv'd in the River from Canso Landed about Twelve a Clock & haveing Order'd the Council, Garrison, and Inhabitants to be assembled his Commission was Publickly open'd & Read; and then took & Subscribd the Oaths therein mention'd; After which seeing ye
His Excllys arrival & Maj Cape made Councillor.


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