Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 99

been cheated by the merchants and intend henceforth to bring their furs to Annapolis. A. will provide vessels for their transportation, though Robichaux says they intend to come at their own expense.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong

NOTE: French translation of foregoing follows, [152 f.]. Direction [153] reads, "A Sibanoit Vanbigangoutte & les Autres Sauvages De la Riviere St Jean"

Armstrong to Govr of Cape Breton. [153

Sorry to have an unpleasant reason for writing. Is informed that the Brigt. "Baltimore ", Andrew Buckler, merchant being owner, and Richard White master, sailed from Dublin on Oct. 7th, 1735, with 18 persons on board for Annapolis, Maryland. Driven out of her course, she fell in with "the Tusketts (near to Pobomcoup by Cape Sables) they got all safe through meer providence into a Harbour Called Tibogue the 5th day of December last where they all Died, Except two Sailors & a Woman who remained on Board till the 4th of April last; The day whereon Anthony Telgumart, a Cape Sable Indian, with his Wife, His Brother Anastase & two Children went on Board & Carryed the unfortunate Gentlewoman along with them after having Robbed her, as she Saith of aboute Sixteen hundred pounds Sterling in Silver & Gold & maney other things of a Considerable Value, Exclusive the Ships Cargoe, by her said to be worth About Twelve thousand pound Ster'g. more." Tedious to give all particulars; but translation of Mrs, B.'s affidavit enclosed." She Arrived here from Pobomcoup with Mr, Charles Dentremon of that place, who took her from the Indians, & Mr. George Mitchell on the 9th Instant, & calls herself Susanna Buckler Widow of the said deceased Andrew Buckler, who died on :Board the 30th of March last; Which, & her other Allegations & Assertions for want of other Evidence we cannot Disprove, However I have taken Mr Dentremon's & Mr George Mitchell's Declaration's No 2: 3, As to what they had heared or Seen thereon." Copies enclosed;

May 17.


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