Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 67

indissoluble. Priests tell them so. 2. Continuing to plow and till, &c., they show their contempt for this garrison; they rely on their own numbers and the Indians. 3. Inhabitants and Indians guided by French Govr in C. B. and by their priests. Their intentions mischievous, as shown by descent on Canso and plundering sloop at Minas. 4. King's authority does not carry beyond the guns of the fort. Therefore, at least 600 more men are needed with stores, tools, &c. Two hundred men needed at Canso, which should be held and fortified. Four hundred men at Minas; after fort is built, part may be detached to Chignecto. Post at Chignecto important on account of the clandestine trade with C. B., and because the French intend to have a fort on St. John's Island. The surplus men should fortify a post at Port Roseway, Lattane, Marligash or Chibucto. Besides a man-of-war, two armed sloops of about fifty tons each are needed to act as packets, guards and transports.
R. Philipps
subscribed by the Council.

Philipps to Treby. [50

Mentions foregoing despatch and begs that the troops may be sent early.
R. Philipps

Sept. 27.

Philipps to Craggs.1

Indians give out that the outrage at Canso is in reprisal for what was taken from the French by Capt. Smart. Plain that the French are hostile, and the Indians their tools. English fishermen driven from their stages to the boats at dead of night by the Indians, their property taken by the French and three killed. Sent sloop to C. B. but got no satisfaction. Returned to Philipps with five French prisoners, who had been captured with English property. Examinations of prisoners

1. Printed in part, A. A. 49-52


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