Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 241

Armstrong, are to band them over as soon as possible to Messrs. Haudfield and Amhurst, his executors: or else, if property is found in their possession, they will be prosecuted.

Annapolis, June 5, 1740.
P. Mascarene

Memoire pour Monsieur [rest illegible]1 [305

1. Must try to get the habitans to choose for Deputies, men of good sense, upright, men of property and having the good of the community at heart, and sensible of the duty to which they are bound by their oath of allegiance.

2. Deputies having fixed times for meeting and consultation should act together in the execution of the orders, &c., of the Govt. in the interests of justice and of the good of the community.

3. Deputies in their meetings should make joint reply to the letters of the Govt. addressed to them in common, and propose measures for the common good.

4. They should watch and keep in hand restless spirits who could turn the habitans from their duty and lead them contrary to the oath of allegiance, which they have taken to the King; in order that the community may not make itself suspected, and avoid the ruin which may overtake it in such a case.

5. Deputies to see to their duty in regard to the regulations for keeping up the fences (? Bouchures): and those who have unruly cattle must not let them stray into their neighbours' property.

6. Deputies to concert measures for the upkeep and improvement of bridges and highways, and particularly that which runs from Minas up this river, the half which is on this side as the more difficult, being more than the proportion of the habitans of this side.

7. An account to be given of the mills built in the time of the old seigneurs, the dues that they should pay, those that

1. Marginal note: “Omitted to be entered in his proper place. fo. 304.


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