Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 219

each Cantoon or District" are to summon the people to work, and report those who refuse to obey, to the Governor, on penalty to the Deputy of 40 sh. per person not reported. Besides, the Deputies are to inspect the roads at least twice or, thrice a year; and, to prevent the multiplication of orders, they are to repeat the same annually to the incoming Deputies. on penalty of another 40 sh. fine.

Annapolis, Jan. 28, 1737-8.
L. Armstrong.

French translation of foregoing follows [168 f.]

Order to Bourg Regarding Mangeant. [169

Francis Mangeant has been ordered to assist Bourg in making up the accounts of the King's rents. If they cannot agree, B. is to render an account to be "transmitted home in manner as Required," before May 1st next.

Annapolis, March 2, 1737/8.
L. Armstrong.

Proclamation for Settling Sable Island. [170

WHEREAS the Reverend Andrew Ie Mercier, Minister of the ffrench Church of Boston, New England, hath applyed to "the on March 6th last, in behalf of himself and associates, "setting forth what great Advantage it would be to the Publick in General and particularly to His Majesty's Unfortunate Subjects and to all others who may at any time prove so unlucky as to Suffer Shipwreck near to Or upon the Island of Sables, was that Island well settled with proper Inhab’ts; and Stock'd and furnished with Cattle of all Sorts;" and as Ie Mercier and associates have already sent hither "with these good Intentions" "Horn Cattle, Swine, Sheep aud so forth, In Order to Succour, Help and Releive," such as may be shipwrecked there; therefore all subjects within the province are forbidden to harm, molest or interfere in any way


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