Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  218  Nova Scotia Archives.

Mentioning the name of the Place where such lands are Situated and the Value of the Same whether sold or Exchanged and to prevent all frauds by Clandestine Deeds of Conveyances none are to be allowed Valid or of any force hereafter, but such as are passed before the Secretary of this Province or your Self" or some other properly authorized persons; "and all such Sales, Deeds of Conveyances, Mortgages and Agree- ments of Exchange are also to be duely notifyed to the SECRETARY that the same may be" registered; "upon the penalty mentioned in their Respective Contracts & to be eyer Regarded and esteemed as Null, Void & of no force…YOU ARE ALSO, to take a Particular Account of all strangers that may come into these parts of this province & of the place from whence they came the time they intend to stay & the Business which brought them here. And also of the last wills & Testaments of Deceased Persons, that the same may be proved & kept upon Record here that the Will of the Testator may be at all times duely Complyed with;" M. is also to report to the Governor or Commander-in-chief whenevrer necessary and also to the Secretary or any other person duly authorized.

Annapolis, Dec. 28, 1737.
L. Armstrong.

French translation of foregoing follows [164-166]

French translation of order to Maufils [162] follows [166 f.]

Order to Repair Highways to Deputies of Annapolis. [167

Preamble refers to previous orders dated May 14, 1730, Aug. 7, 1732, Oct. 29, 1734, Ap. 24, 1735, and Nov. 3, 1736 for repairing the King's highway neglected or evaded. Several complaints have been lodged regarding the state of the roads. "All & singular the said Inhabitants" are strictly commanded to put the aforesaid orders into execution, as soon as the season permits, and to keep the roads up annually: on penalty of 20 sh. per head. To make this effective, the deputies “of


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