Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 217

Custody or that are Lodged in your Office." Ordered to account at once to Mangeant for all moneys received and to pay them over to him.

Annapolis. Dec. 28, 1737.
L. Armstrong.

Translation of foregoing into French [161]

Order to Maufils, Constable, to Assist Mangeant in Gathering the Rents at Minas. [162

Preamble states that Bourg has been deprived of his office as gatherer of rents, and Mangeant appointed in his stead. Maufils ordered to assist Mangeant in the lawful exeoution of his office, and as the case may require, to command in the King's name, H. M. subjects in these parts to give assistance for the preservation of the peace and the promotion of H. M. service.

Annapolis, Dec. 28, 1737.
L. Armstrong.

N. B: The French translat’n of this Order being Ommitted here to be Inserted is in Page 166.

Order Appointing Mangeant Gatherer of Rents.

Preamble rehearses Philipps's appointment of Bourg to be collector of the King's rents at Minas in 1730, and B.'s unsatisfactory performance of his duties. Governor-in-council appoint Mangeant in his place, who is to receive three shillings in the pound for his care and trouble in collecting the rents, fines, &c. and also the arrearages. M. is ordered to keep a rent-roll and proper books, and to give receipts; and not to deliver any part of the funds to the person to whom he is to account, without taking a receipt. He is "to take particular Notice of all Sales and Exchanges made or may be made by whom and to whom Alienated & transferred.


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