Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 215

Brossard, Alexandre Brossard & Francois Commeau, Habitans de Chipoudy.”1 Latter ordered to do the necessary work upon the marsh owned by both parties in common, along the Chippody river; or to renounce their claims in the marsh. Or else they must appear before the Governor and give reasonable satisfaction to the other parties.

Annapolis, May 16,1737.
( unsigned.)2

Order to Deputies of Piziquid Regarding the Jones Robbery.

On June 18th and 20th Capt. Stephen Jones of the sloop Friends Adventure and his crew made oath before the Governor-in-council that about the 2nd instant, as he was peacefully trading in a creek in the river Piziquid "his Vessell was boarded in the night time in an Audacious & Pyratical manner by seven or eight of the most despicable of the Menis Indians," who, after having violently taken possession of the sloop, "cut away the fasts" and forced Jones and the crew to navigate the vessel down to Cape Piziquid and thence to " Chevereaux"? creek, where they plundered the sloop of goods to the value of £1546 N. E. currency, insulting, threatening and putting him in danger of his life. Suspicion strong that this was done with the connivance of the inhabitants, "as I am Credibly Informed the said Villains are at this lnst. living & Trading amongst you in a friendly manner." Deputies ordered to assemble the Indians and cause them to make restitution; and also the inhabitants, and inform them that such as have bought or received any part of Jones's effects and do not restore them or make them good shall be prosecuted as pirates, as the law directs. Estates of the Deputies both real and personal; will be lyable to make good the Losses." Having done this, Deputies are ordered to appear before Governor-in-council and make report before the last day of July.

Annapolis, June 21,1737.
( unsigned.)

Translation of foregoing into French follows [157 f]

1. Taken from the address.
2. "Par Ordre de Son Houneur" before the ending.


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