Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 211

for having robbed M. Dolobora of "une Demi Chaloupe & quelques Merchandises d'un grande Valeur,"

Annapolis, Nov. 29, 1736.
Otho Hamilton Sec.

"N. B. That there was one of the same tenor and Date sent to the Deputys of Chicanecto."

Order to Repair the Road up the Cape.

In French. Governor informed the roads towards the Cape are in bad condition from the rain, and that the people are careless about mending them. Deputies ordered to set the inhabitants to work on them; all to take an equal share according to their ability and circumstances, or to be fined a pistole apiece.

Annapolis, Nov. 3rd, 1736.
Otho Hamilton Secr.y L : Armstrong.

Order to Appear Before Council. [149

In French. Guillaume Bourgeois and other inhabitants of Chippody have complained to the Governor-in-council that Jean Leger "fils de In Rosette" has taken possession of a field belonging to Pierre Tibadeau, his father-in-law, "sur laquelle les Suppliant avoit meme fait faire de Travail." Governor cannot decide the case without seeing both parties to it. Jean Leger summoned to appear before the end of March next, "pour Repondre à la Requete Incuse."

Annapolis, Oct. 15, 1736.
Otho Hamilton Sec.taire

Order to Joseph and Alexandre Broussard of Chippody to Summon Jean Leger.

In French. As there are no Deputies at C., J. & A. Broussard are requested to summon Jean Leger to appear before


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