Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  204  Nova Scotia Archives.

Deputies stringently ordered to arrest and send to Annapolis Ie Blanc, to answer the charge,

Annapolis, Nov. 2, 1734
L. Armstrong.

Translation into French of foregoing follows [130]

Order to Geo. Mitchell.

As several gentlemen have petitioned and are willing to settle, cultivate and improve lands at Minas, beginning at Chevery's Creek, thence westward along the sea shore to the mouth of Pissaquet river, and as it is well to encourage such adventures, M. is ordered to proceed thither as soon as weather permits, survey and chart the land, and report in writing on timber for the navy. M. is also to survey another tract three or four leagues distant eastward from Chevery's creek, called Grand Saut, and half a mile to the westward and half a mile back into the woods, and report on the same. And also "the neck of Land Streatching from the Main commonly called Cape ffandui" and such other part of the Basin of Minas, as the season will permit. And report as soon as possible, that patents may be made out for the settlers.

Annapolis, Nov. 30, 1734.
L. Armstrong.

Order to Prevent Exportation of Cattle. [131

Preamble refers to Phillips's order of March 11, 1730/31, forbidding exportation of cattle from the province. Certain inhabitants of "Menis, Cobaquid, Chignectou and other places" for their " own Privite Interests & Selfish veiws" do, in contempt of this proclamation, export annually great quantities of cattle both slaughtered and alive to Cape Breton, to the detriment of British subjects "all manner of provisions being thereby inhanced & the Stocks are Impaired & greatly deminished by such pernicious proceedings, in violation of the Laws of nations which direct all Governments & Societys of


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