Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  202  Nova Scotia Archives.

to take and bring into this Port all Such Vessells and the Masters thereof Whether they be foreigners, Strangers or subjects that are not qualified to Trade in this province According to Law" : to be there further examined.

Annapolis, Sept. 13, 1734
L. Armstrong.

Order as to Road Between Annapolis and Minas. [124

Philipps's order of May 14, 1730, for a road between Annapolis and Minas has not only been evaded but "obstructed by some of the Inhabitants who have opposed passing through their Ground to the great prejudice of the Service thereby Intended, by cutting off through their unreasonable Obstinacy, even all Communication between one Village to another, unless through long round about unknown & almost impracticable paths." Inhabitants have complained and Deputies have petitioned. They are ordered to finish and perfect the said road from the "nethermost to the uppermost Houses on both sides of this River of Annapolis Royall; & to make and draw it through any up Land or low ground in as direct and streight a line as the nature & Situation of the ground will admit of" under the direction of Mr. Geo. Mitchell and Lt. Ed. Amhurst. All delinquents who in any way let or hinder the work, or hereafter refuse to repair the road shall answer for it. Deputies to report to Gov.r from time to time.

Annapolis, Oct. 29, 1734.
L. Armstrong.

Instructions to Geo. Mitchell. [125

Almost no communication upon either side of the river from one village to another. Inhabitants have petitioned, by their Deputies, for a road on each side of the river from the nethermost to the uppermost houses. M. directed to "draw, oversee


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