Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 201

Latoure. " Such a person has no right to grant lands in this province. Richards has also shown contempt in refusing to answer due citation delivered by Mon, Bellisle. Deputies are to restore the hay to Le Borgne and summons Richards to appear before the Govr without delay,

Annapolis, Sept, 17, 1734
L. Armstrong.

Translation into French of foregoing [121]

Order to Pay. [122

Charles Richards having appeared, according to preceeding order on the 19th, and his papers being found defective, it is ordered that R. 's partners return to Le Borgne of Bellisle eight loads of hay; R. being required to find security for the performance of this and to remain at Annapolis, until the Deputies certify that the return has been made.

Annapolis, Sept. 20, 1734.
Wm Shirreff Sec.y

Translation into French follows.

Order to Deputies to Discover Frauds. [123

Complaints have been made of frauds committed at various places, not only by foreigners but also by British subjects, to the great prejudice of His Majesty's customs and the discouragement of fair traders. The Deputies are ordered to enter sloop "Mary" (John Stride, master) and proceed to River St, John and other places in the Bay of Fundy, and "to discharge the Duty of your Office as the Case may Require"; they have power to require the assistance of all civil and military officers in conducting their inquiries,

Annapolis, Sept. 13, 1734.
L. Armstrong.

Commission to Ens’r Samuel Cottnam.1

There is clandestine and unlawful trade in the province, to the detriment of trade and the prejudice of the fair trader, C. is empowered "to Examine into these Unlawful practices and

1. Postscript reads: N B That One of the same Tenor and Date was also Given to Mr Peter Blin Merchant."


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