Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  200  Nova Scotia Archives.

sons. The informer to have two livres, taken from the ten pistoles fine.1

Annapolis, May 2nd, 1730
R. Phillipps

The translation of the postscript into French follows [117]

Order to Watch for Thieves.

Complaints have been made of various thefts and robberies committed. This authorizes the said inhabitants "to keep Watch & Ward for the Detecting & Apprehending the Actors of all such Crimes." They are authorized to challenge and fire upon (if the suspected person does not answer after the third challenge) any persons approaching their houses or property at an "unreasonable time of the night (which is meant from an hour after sun sett to fair Day light)." In all cases they are to report to the Governor at once.

Annapolis, Sept. 12, 1735.
L. Armstrong.

Translation into French follows [118]2

Order for Election of Deputies. [119

Formal notice as above, dated at Annapolis Sept. 12, 1734.

NOTE. "N. B. That Duplicates Were sent to the Grand Prée, River Canard, Pissaquid, Cobaquit And Shickanecto Directed to the Deputies of place With the following Translation thereunto subjoined Viz." Translation follows immediately.

Orders to Alex. Bourg and Deputies of Minas. [120

Alexander Le Borgne has complained that Charles Richards and his friends have prevented him from cutting hay on the King's lands, and even taken away what he had cut, pretending that the land had been granted to him by "one Mons’r.

1. Postscript states that this order was laid before Armstrong on the 11, and ordered to be published anew and obeyed Sept 12, 1734.
2. Under Shirreff’s signature as Secretary: "N. B. That ye french translation was not Signed."


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