Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 199

ascertained whether their rents were farm or seigniorial rents. They are ordered to pay all their rent to Mde. Belisle, because upon inquiry, several inhabitants have asserted and none contradicted, that their rents are farm rents, until the pleasure of the King be further known,

Annapolis, Ap. 10, 1734.
L. Armstrong.

Order. [116

To Dyson and the Master Carpenter. Barrack behind Gov.'s house gone to decay and entirely ruinous, and dangerous. "None of the Troops can either with [gap] or Any manner of Decency be lodged therein," and as new troops are daily expected, they are to rebuild the barrack at once.

Annapolis, May 23, 1732.
L. Armstrong.

Order for Cutting Timber.

An immediate demand in the King's navy of timber of specified dimensions. Certain inhabitants assert that they have no such timber on their own ground. This authorizes them to cut and sell the requisite timber wherever it may be found on either side of "this river," unless the inhabitants on whose ground it is found are willing to cut and sell it at a fair price.

Annapolis, May 28, 1734
L. Armstrong.

Order Against Riding Horses.1 [116

Deputies have complained of wild fellows who catch the horses in the fields and race them to the great detriment of the beasts. Practice forbidden, on penalty of fine of ten pistoles, to be levied on their goods and chattels, and one month's imprisonment. Fathers to be responsible for their

1. In French.


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