Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 191

Notice to Prospective Immigrants. [86

As it is the intention of the British government to settle the province with Protestant inhabitants, notice is given that large tracts of land are to be granted in fee-simple. Major Mascarene at Boston, New England, to meet applicants.

Instructions to Mascarene. [87

As it is the King's intention that this province should be settled chiefly by Protestant settlers, Mascarene is ordered to proceed to Boston, to treat with such British subjects as may desire information regarding the soil and situation of the province. 1.) The foregoing advertisement is to be published; M. is to give every encouragement to inquirers to come and view the province. 2.) To recommend the advantages in St. John's river, Mushquash Cove, other places on the Bay of Fundy, as also on the eastern coast, the basin of the Annapolis, St, Mary's Bay, or other places not granted. 3.) Illegible except "apart one hundred thousand Acres or twelve miles Square to be granted in fee Simple. 4.) The place to be agreed upon "for Building of the Town is to Contain one hundred (?) dwelling Houses, with all other Necessary Conveniencys and that Each family Settling there, Shall be granted a Town Lot of forty Acres as Contiguous as possible, as also one hundred Acres or more without the Town, in proportion to the number, Industry and ability of Each family." 5) Not more than 100,000 acres to be granted to one person. 6.) Minister and schoolmaster each to have a lot and quantity of land. 7). First minister and schoolmaster to have grants made out in fee-simple like the rest. 8.) Perpetual quit rent of one penny per acre after the first three years, subject also to a further levy of not more than 1d. per acre annually over and above said quit rent. 9.) Non-payment of quit-rent for three years makes the patents void. Land must be improved, one-tenth of acreage at least within three years from grant of patent. 10.) Whereas the French have induced the Indians to withdraw from all intercourse with the English, Mascarene is to try to persuade the Gov’r of N.


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