Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  190  Nova Scotia Archives.

on or before Ap. 23, 1733. Except those in the town of Annapolis, who may have encroached upon the street by permission for the defenses of their houses.

Annapolis, Aug. 7. 1732
L. Armstrong.

Order to Deputies to Report.1 [81

Deputies "Andrew (?) Manuel, Joseph Bourgois, Goullaume Blanchard, & Claude Gerar" to repair to the house of Jean (?) Prince and Jacques Gourilles, ascertain the nature of their disagreement regarding their land and transmit a faithful report thereof to the Governor.

Annapolis, June 10, 1732
L. Armstrong.

Order for Choosing New Deputies.

Certain Deputies complain of expense and loss of time in the fulfilment of their duties and also that they were chosen by Govr. Philipps and not by the inhabitants. Therefore for the welfare of the province the present Deputies are to assemble the inhabitants on Sept. 2, next, and divide the "number of their familys " into eight equal divisions, give each division a distinguishing name. Each division is then to choose its deputy "an honest Discreet person" to represent them until next election. Same must he signified in writing and signed by at least a majority of the inhabitants. Each division is further " recommended" to provide for the deputy's expenses before they proceed to such election. As there is general complaint about the fraudulent measures in use in the province, especially the French half-bushel "most of them being false and unjust and not Conformable to the Standard," the deputies are ordered to search for all the standard half-bushels and bring them to the Governor to be duly compared and others carefully made and adjusted to be, for the future, only used in this province.

Annapolis, Aug. 26, 1732.
L. Armstrong.

Translation of foregoing in French [83-86.]

1. In French.


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