Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 181

Jean des Sappins all of Grand Pre’ “ are summoned to appear before the Governor and Council within eight days to answer what shall be laid to their charge, on penalty of outlawry. Inhabitants of Minas (on account of this and many former instances of misbehavior) are to be held responsible in future for all bad conduct of the Indians, "under ye penalty of being treated as Rebells."

Annapolis, March 19, 1730-31
R. Philipps.

Translation of the foregoing follows, [55 f.]

Proclamation to regulate Currency and Exports. [56

Preamble rehearses the great difficulties and inconveniences attending this province from the want of a currency; state of things likely to become worse as the French inhabitants refuse to take anything but French silver money which is brought in by clandestine trade between the French settled at the head of the Bay and the neighboring French colony (C.B.) in live cattle, corn and other provisions, " which Mony is hoarded up in order to be sent to Boston, where it is of considerable more value than here" so that there is almost no circulation of it in this province. The Garrisons have only Boston paper money to supply their needs, which the inhabitants refuse to accept. (1) All French and foreign silver is worth no more in this province than fourteen shillings per ounce and from the 25th of March 1730-31 is not to pass for more than eighteen shillings per ounce. Bills of New England are to be legal tender in all contracts. (2.) In view of the great exportation of late years, of corn, cattle, sheep and hogs as well alive as slaughtered beyond what the yearly produce of the stock of this province can afford and the consequent threatened scarcity, especially since many new settlers are expected; no vessel trading to or from the province shall carry a greater quantity than two months' provisions. The inhabitants of Minas, Chignecto, Piziquid, Cobequid and other settlements up the Bay are forbidden to ship cattle, sheep or other provisions at Chebucto, Tapenagoock,


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