Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  178  Nova Scotia Archives.

Ignorance or Design neglected most frequently to cause the Person or Persons complained against to be duely summoned or at least not given them Due time to prepare and make Answer to Such Complaints & Petitios as have been often Lodged & Exhibited against them to the great prejudice of both partys, Especially if Living at any considerable distance from this Place; and whereas Such a Practise hath been Exclaimed against by Several of the Inhabitants themselves not only as hurtfull & prejudicial to their private & Domestick affairs to be thus Hurried & Impeded by their Impatient, Cruel & Letigeous Neighbours, but even also very troublesome, fatigueing and Inconvenient to the Governor & Council to be meeting daily and almost constantly to the Prejudice many times of their own Private Affairs to hear and examine their many frivolous and undigested Complaints." Therefore four terms are appointed: 1st. first (?)1 Tuesday in March; 2nd, the first (?), Tuesday in May; 3rd, the last Tuesday in July; 4th, the last Tuesday in November. Complainants are to lodge complaints at the Secretary's office, and apply to the Secretary for summonses to be sent to the defendants, that the latter may have at least three weeks' notice of proceedings.2

Annapolis, Jan. 13, 1737-8.
L. Armstrong.

NOTE. Translation of this occupies pp. 32, 33, immediately following.

Francis Cogswell to be Justice of the Peace. [34

"For the Town of Canso and the Places Adjacent"

Annapolis, Aug. 10, 1738 Appointed by Armstrong.

Note; below this is the entry

One in favor of John Stanwood of Cape Ann

One Ditto for Abisha Weeler of Ipswich

One Ditto for

1. Paper very much worn, writing faint. In the French translation 'Ie premier Mardy.”
2. At the end "This Proclamation was entered through Inadvertence amongst the Records of Commissioners when it should have been in the Records of Orders.”


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